Inside was an incredibly touching letter letting me know how much she appreciated my friendship and how sorry she was for our loss of our baby.
And as if the letter were not touching enough on it's own, there was also this...
I cannot seriously believe I'm able to write this so soon after our devastating miscarriage which was only four weeks ago.
We are adopting four new embryos!
A woman recently contacted me through a DE/DS Facebook page and put me in touch with a woman in California who had four embryos to donate. We got to emailing back and forth and we clicked. They want an open adoption and they even live in the same area that DH and I lived in for 10 years before moving to Texas. We have a whole slew of other things in common and have I've had a great time getting to know her. Her name is Libby. It feels right.
And on Tuesday she said the magic words: We want you to have our embryos!
All four are day 5 blasts and they were frozen in 2006. I'm giddy with excitement and didn't want to share the news until it was official, but this is really happening! The attorney is busy drawing up the legal contract and the donor is busy getting shipping set up.
We are moving quickly to get everything done for shipping because Libby is expecting her fourth child and is scheduled to deliver in two weeks. I'm so happy for her and I think we can get a lot done before then. Fingers crossed!
I feel so blessed, Thank you for the thoughts and prayers!
The horrific events in Boston have been weighing heavily on my mind ever since they unfolded yesterday.
Kevin is a runner. He's run many marathons and half-marathons. These events are full of excitement and joy as the runners realize the payoff from months of training. Families and friends excitedly cheer the runners on and the anticipation to see your loved one cross the finish line is such a special moment. I am so incredibly saddened by the bombings. But the part that brought me to tears on my drive home from work yesterday is the part about the little 8 year old boy, Martin Richard, who was killed in the blast. I understand he was waiting at the finish line to give his dad a giant hug with his mom, brother and sisters when he lost his life due to a senseless act by a monster(s). His 6 year old little sister lost her leg and his mother is hospitalized with serious injuries to her brain. I can't even imagine the Richard family's shock and sorrow.
I will never understand why these things happen and can't imagine what the victims and their families are going through right now. I just know that they have all been in my thoughts and prayers, especially the Richard family who lost their beautiful little boy far too soon to a horrific and senseless act.
I'll post my muchness when I get home from work. Its 5:56am here now. I have to go into work early today, tomorrow, and Thursday.