I'm 29w6d today which means tomorrow I turn the big 3-0 (weeks, that is.) I make big milestones out of pretty much anything because I am just so excited and grateful for this life growing inside of my tummy. Every single day is a celebration.
Today I had an appointment with the MFM and we got to see sweet little Sammy on ultrasound again. It never gets old. We saw her practice breathing today for the first time which was utterly fascinating. The MFM says babies typically start doing that around 32 weeks so we're proud of our little snowflake for doing it a couple of weeks early. He said it's a sign of a well oxygenated baby.
And of course we saw her cross her legs at the ankles which seems to be her trademark pose in there. We're convinced this is going to be her sleeping pose when she becomes an outside baby.
We saw her yawn....and my heart melted into a puddle.
And last, we had a surprise - the sonographer pointed out her hair! Our little snowflake has a head full of hair already! I wouldn't love her any less or more if she was bald or not but it's fun learning about each of the new traits that make up who she is so I can continue to daydream about her in a little more detail.
My cervical length looks great and the fluid looks normal. Her head is smack dab on my bladder which explains the unbelievable amount of bathroom trips I'm experiencing these days, and especially nights. Sammy weighs approximately 3 lb 6 oz and is at about the 51 percentile which is all fantastic news for a mama with gestational diabetes. I'm always worried that GD will somehow impact her, but so far it has not. My MFM is very proud of me for taking it so seriously because he sees lots of patients who do not and their babies suffer consequences. I can't imagine not doing everything in my power to protect this little girl's health. I just love her to pieces and then some.
We are still chasing the right dose of insulin to counteract the placenta's impact on my blood sugar. All my daytime numbers continue to look good but my fasting numbers are just a few points above target. I'm upping my dose 4 units tonight which I have a feeling might just do the trick. We are so close, but all-in-all, my MFM is happy and so are we.