Tuesday, November 11, 2014

November 25 is Embryo Adoption Awareness Day!

I'd like for us to establish November 25 as EMBRYO ADOPTION AWARENESS DAY! November is already known as National Adoption Month, so what better time to recognize EDA and spread awareness than during November? Also, with it falling near Thanksgiving, it gives us the ability to discuss the gratitude that EA brings to many families (and I know I'm beyond grateful to Sammy's genetic family!) How can you help? Tell your story. Share a graphic on your Facebook timeline encouraging questions. Blog about it. Contact your local media and see if they want to do a story on it with your help. If your RE doesn't do EDA, talk to them about it. If you have ideas on how to spread awareness, please leave your ideas in the comment. Thank you all for your support!


  1. I love that you're such an advocate for embryo donation! Wonderful.

  2. I love it! Such a powerful opportunity!

  3. I will do it!!!!! My blog is blessedwithinfertility.com! I have a news story on there in case anyone wants to share it on your blog..
