Thursday, September 11, 2014

I have been so, so busy.

I am finally settling into "normal" life as a mom with a new baby. It's incredible being a mom and now that I finally have this VLCAD thing not looming overhead, I'm able to really savor it! I still can't believe how horrifying that first month of her life was for me. It really was one of the hardest things I've been through, facing a life threatening illness of someone I loved so much and had prayed so hard for. I can barely even think about it because it hurt so much!

I'm so glad she's okay and I'm happy to be busy with her even though it means my blog posts will likely suffer a little bit!

What am I up to other than the obvious things related to caring for a sweet little baby?

Well, I've been working recently on trying to find a nanny for when I go back to work near the end of October. I barely want to even type that because it makes it feel real and I still am sad thinking about leaving her at home. I hope we find someone we feel great about because it's really hard to trust someone with something so precious to us.

I've also been busy trying to get my photography business up and running which involves filing for all of the proper licenses, paying fees, building websites, etc. I usually try to do this during Sammy naps and surprisingly have made some good headway here!

I'm also dealing with some genetic issues myself. I swear, genetic testing has been so prevalent in our lives lately and it's back again, only this time for me. For those of you who know my story, my mom died of colon cancer at a young age and all of her three adult children, including myself, have had colon polyps at young ages. Doctors agree that there's likely something hereditary going on and I've been going through testing with an oncologist and genetic counselor to try to figure it out. I was tested for a single genetic disorder in 2012 that came back as negative. But this time, they did an incredibly extensive panel that will test for all kinds of uterine, breast, ovarian, and colon cancer disorders. It will be scary if/when I learn that I have a disorder that leads to a much higher risk of cancer. But at the same time, knowledge is power so hopefully I can do something to avoid it. I'll get the results on November 21 and am trying to put it out of my mind a little bit until then.

Okay - happy news! Breastfeeding is going so well. Finally! It was so hard in the beginning. Both Sammy and I had a terrible case of thrush that we believe I got from the antibiotics given to me after the c-section in the hospital. Breastfeeding started out painful and got worse and worse until it was nearly unbearable. I'd cry. I eventually had to exclusively pump. I had no reference point and figured breastfeeding was that painful for everyone. Little did I know, it isn't. Once we found out what was going on, my OB, pediatrician, and I declared war on it and after a couple of weeks of multiple therapies it went away. All the while I also was worried about VLCAD and under a lot of stress which I'm sure impacted my supply too. In fact, if she had turned out to have VLCAD, I would have been told to stop breastfeeding anyway. So there were many times I considered giving up. But I didn't and I'm glad. Once all of those crazy hurdles were behind me, operation exclusive-breastfeeding was 100% underway. I've been nursing and pumping like crazy and I am excited to report that the past three days/nights that Sammy has been 100% breastfed with no more formula supplementation. And I am even getting enough to start build a stash. I could not be more happy about this achievement considering everything I had going against me! I can't help but pat myself on the back for what I feel like is a huge accomplishment.

And I'm not sure if it's related or not, but she started sleeping through the night (5 hours) the first night she was exclusively breastfed and did it a second time last night. Yippee! I'm well rested!

Sammy just started smiling and cooing in response to our silly antics this week and it makes my heart melt. I'll leave you with a picture of her toothless grin.


  1. I am so happy for you! What a lovely little girl you have and I'm so glad you can enjoy all the special little moments with her without having the black cloud of VLCAD hanging over you! Enjoy every minute as she will grow so quickly! My baby boy is 9 months old next week and whilst I love watching him grow into an amazing little boy, my heart hurts to know he won't be my tiny baby again. Motherhood is bittersweet but is a huge blessing and an amazing journey. Best wishes to you x

  2. YAY!!!! So happy for you!! These updates make my heart so happy for your precious family!

  3. GREAT JOB MOMMA!!! You pat away on that back of yours. :) I also had early hurdles with my last was so hard for me, as breastfeeding my babies is extremely important to me. Like you, I persevered. By two months we were back to exclusively breastfeeding and never looked back. We proudly made it to 15 months! Now that you found a groove, it will be so much easier and rewarding for you both. Keep stocking up...morning pumps will be your freezer's best friend. I am SO, SO happy for you finally getting to enjoy that little princess without being shadowed by anything negative. Enjoy- it goes way too fast!

  4. Oh my goodness, she is gorgeous. Love all that hair!!!
    Good job on the BF - keep up the great work!!

  5. Congrats on persevering with nursing! That is very impressive to go from exclusively pumping to exclusively nursing!

  6. I'm so glad nursing is going well for you both and you are getting some solid blocks of sleep. Sammy is adorable!

  7. Yaaaaaay!!! All the way around, yaaaay!

    Oh, her cheeks! I just want to kiss them a zillion times!

  8. Yeah!! So cute. Just sit back and enjoy her. Before you know it she will be thinking about college and driving herself to school (yep, that's what my daughter is doing - where did the time go?)!

  9. I'm so glad things are going well! Breast feeding is HARD! Kudos for persevering and getting through the hurdles.

  10. BFing is hard! They say it shouldn't hurt... but everyone I've spoke with had pain at first. Some throughout BFing for a year! Stick with it and it will only get better. You'll really enjoy having those precious moments with Sammy :)

  11. Liz, I looked for an email but I couldn't find one. I have a girlfriend in Texas who is looking to donate her 5 embryos and I wanted to talk to you about it!
