Tuesday, August 12, 2014

This little ginger

Lately, the days seem to go by so quickly yet so slowly all at the same time. Kevin has to go back to work next week which I'm dreading for lots of reasons. It's been so wonderful having him here, and he's been pretty much waiting on Sammy and me hand and foot. He's been cooking, cleaning, bringing glasses of water to me, changing diapers as needed, staying up late to help - he really is the best husband and dad anyone could ever dream of. And of course, I love having our little family time and will be sad when he has to go. But of course, real life must go on.

While Sammy sleeps, I've been knocking out to-do items like phone calls to insurance, tidying the house, etc and feel like I'm finally getting in a bit of a groove. I'm actually feeling hopeful that this VLCAD issue will end up being a false positive. Maybe that's the Zoloft talking, or maybe it's just the fact that the second screen did come back as normal. Either way, living without paralyzing anxiety has been a nice change. I can't believe how debilitating that kind of anxiety is and I'm glad I got help for it when I did. I do feel better. If any of you find yourself struggling with postpartum anxiety or depression, please don't hesitate to ask for help. I'm not ashamed to talk about it and neither should you.

As far as tests go, we still haven't received the results for both the DNA test that will tell us which embryo batch Sammy is from, nor have we received the definitive DNA sequencing for the VLCAD results. I hope to at least get the embryo batch DNA test back this week, and if not, I'll be making some calls. We could get the VLCAD results this week, but probably next.

Can I tell you how much I love this little girl? I don't ever want to lay her down. I want to hold her all day and all night. Of course, that's not realistic but it's what I would do if I never had to sleep, eat, or shower. I could just stare at her beautiful face all day long and tell her how much she is loved and was prayed for. I love our 'girl talks' we have after she's fully fed, changed, and happy as a clam. She's my Sammy snowflake and I always want her to know how special she is. Kevin and I tell her we love her at least 100 times a day, and that's probably not an exaggeration.

We've noticed she's got a red hue to her hair....

Ginger snowflake

I never expected Sammy to be born with red hair, but I think it's a wonderful surprise. Of course I would love her no matter what color hair she has - red, blonde, black, green - it doesn't matter! But I feel like there's a nod from my mom in that hair color somewhere because she always said Kevin and I would have a baby with red hair. And when we discovered my infertility, I had to grieve that red-haired child would never come to be. I wrote a blog entry about it long ago you can read here: The ghost of a red haired child.

When she's laughing in her sleep, which she does often, I think it must be my mom tickling her in her dreams! What else could a newborn baby be laughing at? ;-)

She's beautiful beyond comprehension. And not only do I feel overwhelming love for her, I also can't describe the overwhelming gratitude for the donor family who made it possible for her to be ours. We are so, so blessed.

I thank God for embryo adoption.


  1. She's absolutely beautiful! Wishing you lots of peace and that the outcome of the VLCAD is negative and you can go on to live life free of worry, and enjoy your beautiful little family xx

  2. Tears!! She's beautiful, and I'm so glad that you're getting into a groove and just loving motherhood! I worry that I will have a hard time putting my baby down once I meet him/her.

  3. Not sure why, but I always thought I'd end up with a ginger too. I've had dreams about it. Even though it's not in hubby or our donor's family history. When we were using donor embryos, I thought it then too. She's gorgeous. Congrats. Hoping everything smooths itself out with all of the genetic stuff soon.

  4. Thanks for an update and picture! I am so glad that you are feeling better and can really enjoy these tiny baby days.

    And that red hair.... too cute:)


  5. That is so cool! hoping things continue to go well.

  6. She is precious! What a lovely story about your mom. I do believe that is a little sign from her ;) <3

  7. This is wonderful and perfect. Love that she's a ginger and I do think that's your mom coming through her. So happy for you!!!

  8. Oh I just love that! I am so happy you are seeing signs from your mom. Many, many hugs! I'm so happy you are starting to feel more normal. :)

  9. So glad to hear that you are doing better! Still praying for little Sammy that her test results for VLCAD will be a definitive no. She is just beautiful! I love the story of your mom saying you'd have red-haired children... and now you do! What a cutie! God bless you guys!

  10. She's so beautiful! Continued prayers for everything!

  11. She is so beautiful! Makes me hopeful for my next FET :) Thank your for all your posts!

  12. She is beautiful. How wonderful about your mom wanting you to have a red hair baby and now you do. She is smiling from above!

  13. she is so precious! continued T&Ps for clear test results!

  14. I love how God works these special surprises. We had the same thing happen with our son that God brought to us through embryo adoption. I thought I would never see my red hair again as I'm the only one who got it from my dad...well God has now given our son a reddish hue to his brown hair. Such a fun surprise! :) You are so blessed!

  15. This is positively beautiful. Someone on Hannah's Prayer shared a link to your People interview, and I am just in love with your story. I'm praising God for your sweet little Sammy girl! I have had nine miscarriages in my seven years of marriage, and God has given me three miracles here in my arms. But I have a longing for embryo adoption... and reading your story, and seeing your own little ginger, is a comfort to my soul. God bless you. Thank you for sharing your girl with the world.
