Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Moving mountains!

I am knee deep in the logistics of our embryo adoption.  I'm not complaining one bit, I'm just saying that it's been keeping me busy! In fact, I took today off of work to try to handle a whole bunch of stuff and luckily many things are coming together.

There are a few main things left that need to happen for my clinic to accept our donor embryos:

FDA bloodwork panel done on the donors
Psychological informational session done with the donors
Legal contract completed and signed showing transfer of ownership

Sounds easy enough, right?

It is, when I really think about it. It's not bad. It's just making it all happen quickly with all the moving parts including my RE (who has been on vacation), insurance, psychologists, attorneys, etc that has been challenging logistically. We are all racing the birth of Libby's baby which could happen any day. We are very excited for her to meet her new little one, but we recognize that her involvement on any of the above becomes much more difficult with a newborn in the picture. But I'm excited to say that we are on the final steps of the contract now, we have the informational session finally set up, and I'm hoping we can get the bloodwork ordered and completed by end of week. Then wah lah! That should be enough for my clinic's embryologists to get the process started to ship these precious snowflakes to us. When they are on their way, I will finally take a deep breath of relief because it's been a lot of work to coordinate. It's felt like moving mountains in a short period of time.  But everyone, especially Libby, has worked so incredibly diligently to make this happen, and happen quick!

And in other news, I had my first post D&C CD1 roll around on Friday. My body appears to be cooperating to get this show on the road! Theres a big sigh of relief there. If we can get these snowflake babies safe and sound here in Texas, I will be ready to start BCPs for FET #2 next cycle's CD1 which puts a transfer into late July or early August.

And last, Kevin and I had an absolutely beautiful weekend. We relished in Friday's news of our bonus fifth embryo by going to a fantastic Austin restaurant. I also spent some time at a friend's house taking photos of her products for her Etsy shop, Two Little Hands. She makes all of her items by hand and is an advocate for raising Down Syndrome awareness. She has two beautiful children and her husband is my coworker. They live in the same town as we do. It was wonderful catching up with her and her family since I've been such a hermit the last few months!

The weather has been phenomenal so Sunday we checked out the Old Pecan Street festival, which is an Austin tradition. I took my DSLR and got some pretty neat shots. We stopped in at "The Museum of the Weird" which is a museum full of bizarre oddities, and even some performers.

Kevin and I are about to head to the local farmers market and pick out some fresh veggies, but I'll leave you with some of my favorite pictures from Sunday.

An interesting sign in the upstairs section of the Museum of the Weird

Beautiful glass above a door at the famous Hotel Driskill

Cool sign on a rock wall at the Museum of the Weird

The above mentioned attack lizard. He didn't seem very attacky lol

Street performer, Austin has lots of these! So cool!

Bright retro sign for visitor information

A one man band!


  1. The colors in your photographs are so vibrant!

  2. Such great news all around! Wishing you continued expedited progress in bringing the snowflakes to their new home.

  3. It's all coming together! Congrats on cycle day 1. It's exciting because it is just one step closer to doing the FET!
