Thursday, May 2, 2013


I wanted to give a quick update on things from an embryo adoption and medical standpoint. Remember that massive blood draw I had on April 19th? I got the results back for the MTHFR. It turns out I tested positive for a single copy of the c677t mutation. I was a little nervous about learning this because my RE is on vacation this week and I received this result as an automatic email from my lab. Unfortunately, my RE couldn't weigh in on it for me since she's gone. But the more I learn about it, the more I realize it's not very serious at all, and in fact is very common. From what I have read, it's a gene mutation that causes the inability to absorb folic acid properly which can in turn cause clotting issues. She will likely put me on a medication that includes loads of absorbable folic acid and B vitamins, and maybe even a daily dose of baby aspirin. But the good news is that it's treatable. Onward and upward!

On the adoption front, we are still trucking along making lots of progress in a very short period of time. Yesterday, we got the first draft of the contract completed from our attorney and we are working on making changes to our liking.

We are also waiting for my RE's nurse to send me the donor's blood work checklist but I haven't received it yet.

I've been really busy with that but have still had time to play with my camera. I am having so much fun learning about it and reading photography books. It's been a fantastic distraction from infertility and the suckiness of recent events. I got a macro/zoom lens and have been having fun with that. Here is a photo I took in my dad's garden yesterday.

Here's a link to my flickr photostream if anyone feels bored and wants to browse around my beginner's attempts at photography!

I hope everyone is having a great day! It's almost Friday. This week has flown!


  1. This could be the piece of the puzzle you are looking for! I sure hope so. Praying for you.

    1. Thanks! I like when we finally get answers, that's for sure!

  2. SO happy things are going well and that you are looking up! That is great. I am looking forward to seeing your photos! Hugs!

  3. Good news! And zoom lenses are the best, aren't they? They take such pretty pics!

  4. Awesome pics! We have a fancy camera, but I never learned how to use it and I just use "Auto" haha, whoops!

    1. Thanks! Even Auto takes great photos. It just drives me nuts when the flash pops up in auto lol

  5. It's great that things are moving right along Liz. Your pictures are beautiful as well, glad it's providing some distraction!

    1. I know, I can't believe how smooth it's all been *knock on wood*.


  6. So glad to hear things are progressing! (Even if your RE's office is dragging their feet) I really hope this is it for you!! <3

    And I love the pic! :)

  7. While I'm sorry to hear that there is something "wrong", I am so glad that it's something easily treatable.

    You have a wonderful eye for pictures.

  8. It's good to have answers, and it sounds like your results weren't that bad at all!!! Good luck as you finalize all the details of the adoption. Great picture you shared here. Distractions are a wonderful thing.
