Friday, May 24, 2013

Still waaaaaaiting...

Sorry I have been blogging less frequently than I used to. I guess there’s nothing new to report on the embryo front, which is quite unfortunate if you ask me. I keep getting told that we are waiting to hear back from the legal teams at my clinic and will hear back by xyz date. Then I don’t get any update on that day only to follow up to then learn that they think there will be a response by a new xyz date. I’m not even sure the holdup is because there’s a problem, or because they haven’t gotten around to it, or what!? I know it's not my RE herself and that she's at the mercy of the system. But it’s frustrating considering how much Libby and I totally busted our behinds to make our part happen so quickly only to be held up at this silly red-tape part. I emailed yesterday for another update (I'm sure I'm driving her nuts) but I haven’t heard back yet which is unlike her. I actually had a dream last night that they FINALLY sent me an email approval for the contract. It must be on my mind if I’m dreaming about it!

In general health news, I had my follow up with my PCP on Monday. And for good measure she sent me in for a liver ultrasound on Tuesday to rule out anything weird. I’ve been anxious all week waiting for those results because I keep flashing back to my mom’s tragic story. Her first sign of cancer was in her liver. When they finally did an ultrasound at the ER, her liver was made up of 95% tumors and only 5% normal tissue! I realize it’s irrational to worry that I’d have cancer or something based off of slightly elevated liver enzymes, but I’ve endured so many blows in the past few years I sometimes feel like there’s some monster just waiting around the corner for us. It’s definitely anxiety that has built up and I’m doing my best to keep an eye on it with my doctor and counselor. It comes and goes, but diagnostic health stuff seems to usually put me in a tailspin as I wait for results.

But the good news is that I just heard back from my doctor and my liver ultrasound showed completely normal except for some fatty emulsions which she said is not serious. And as I continue in a healthy lifestyle, it should clear up and return to normal. After we lost baby Maggie, I made a decision to focus on being healthy again and it’s felt great. I’m confident that when I have another liver draw all will be back to normal.
I bought myself a Nutribullet and have been making green smoothies for breakfast which I love. I have been making smoothies from spinach/kale with strawberries/raspberries, ginger and beet juice. Sounds gross, but it’s a delicious breakfast. 

I have that and a scoop of low fat cottage cheese on the side for protein and I feel energized all morning long. It’s great before my morning workout. I’m hooked on Kinect dance games. Don’t laugh, it’s fun and a great cardio workout! I’ve been doing Kinect dance games as cardio for about two years and it’s my favorite form of exercise. I used to stare at the clock working out prior to discovering Kinect. Now I can’t believe how fast time flies. I usually don’t even want to stop but I have to in order to make it to work on time.

I am waiting for the second blood draw from the RE to come back. I had the blood taken on Tuesday morning so I bet I’ll hear back in the next couple of weeks on that too, but we expect it to be normal as well.
There’s the update for now. Keep your fingers crossed that whatever powers-that-be will just hurry up and approve this contract already!! Have a great long weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I've been blogging a LOT less frequently as we'll, and very behind on my reading. Thus, the very late comment. I have a lot to catch up on!
