Monday, July 29, 2013

A little longer

My embryologist got back to me. She got confirmation that the donor clinic has all of the paperwork they need to ship.


They need a nurse to sign off on it, whatever that means! They expect that to be done today and will be calling my embryologist back tomorrow to arrange shipping.

My embryologist is skeptical she will get a call back tomorrow as they say because she's heard that before from them with no follow through. She plans to call them Wednesday if she doesn't hear back from them tomorrow.

I pray that there are no issues with this "nurse sign off" and that they do get back to my embryologist quickly.
I'm cautiously optimistic. Thank you for your prayers.


  1. Praying that this last step is completed quickly and the embryos are on their way to their new home soon.

  2. Soooo close! Praying it all comes through quickly now!

  3. Hoping you are almost at the end of this part!!! What a wait for you!

  4. Fingers crossed! I hope they get back to her and you soon.

  5. Hope you get this finalized soon!

  6. I hope the clinic really has their stuff together this time!

  7. Praying this is the last hold up so these special embies can make their way to you!!!!

  8. I'm so sorry that you are still in limbo Liz! Prayers coming, and hugs to you and Kevin.

  9. Hoping the limbo nightmare is over tomorrow and your little snowflakes arrive soon!

  10. Thank you all so much! On the edge of my seat now! :)
