Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Bumps in the road

I finally heard back from an embryologist at my lab. Whew! She apologized and said she was out of the office and can get started on the shipping process today. It sounds like she was out of the office but now they are able to get started on it. Thank goodness! I'm going to focus on the positive - they are working on it today.

I'm praying there are no hiccups but I am braced for some bumps.

Long story short, these embryos are currently stored at Libby's lab but they do not have an in-house embryo donation process. Therefore, even though these embryos do belong to us in the eyes of the law, her clinic has no record of this. And from Libby's initial dealings with them on it, they are not supportive of her donating them to another party. In fact, they even said she couldn't do it and told her she could only donate to an agency.

Totally not true. And really freakin' irritating. They have absolutely no say in it. This is confirmed by our attorney.

So you can imagine I'm braced for a headache here because they are still in Libby's lab's possession. The hopes are that we can have them shipped in Libby's name because they do have an in-house shipping process to get them to another clinic. And once they are in Texas, there is nothing the donor clinic can do to cause trouble. If it becomes too much trouble, I guess they are going to have to hear from our attorney but I really don't want it to come to that. I've been saying little prayers for smooth sailin' on this step. I have no idea what could unfold here.

And in other headachey news, you might recall last month that Libby and her husband went to have their infectious disease panel blood work done less than a week after their new baby girl was born. They are troopers. Can you imagine?! The infectious disease panel is an extremely simple blood draw that Kevin and I have done multiple times. It's not complicated. And everything turned out fine for her husband from that draw.

But it turns out that the lab did not collect a complete sample for Libby. What....the.....?!?!? *scream*

So poor Libby returned to the Lab a second time this past Monday while juggling the responsibilities of three small children AND a newborn baby in tow (her husband is back at work) only to find out they wouldn't draw it! So trip number two was a bust! They said they wouldn't draw it while she had her newborn with her AND they need some special instructions from my RE or some other bologna that made no sense for this simple draw. My nurse is frantically ironing that out as we speak so Libby can make trip number three to get it done. Can you believe this has happened? Libby deserves an award for sticking it out though! Round of applause!

Oh I just can't wait to post an update that they've shipped. It's coming soon, I can feel it. I hope! I pray!


  1. Wow! Lots of bumps in the road! But it sounds like you are getting over the bumps fine. Way to go! :)

  2. How frustrating it all sounds! I hope there are no more bumps and the embryos are shipped soon. And Libby is a saint for being on the ball with getting things done while having 4 LOs in tow!! -DP

    1. I hope so too! The embryologist told me she thinks it will be in a week or so. Fingers crossed! And Libby rocks!

  3. Wow, what a stressful time you've been having! What a trooper Libby is too... I am praying you will be pregnant by the end of the summer :)

    1. Thanks so much. That's such a wonderful thought! I'd do anything to be pregnant during the next Christmas season. Praying like crazy. :)

  4. How frustrating!!! Libby, if you are reading this, you are amazing!!! Liz, I hope that some of these bozos get on the ball and ship the embryos ASAP! If not, let's plan a road trip!!!! ;)

    1. She is amazing!!! Bozo is the perfect word too! Lets gas up the cars and hit the road! LOL

  5. YAY FOR LIBBY! What a super star! FXed for the safe and easy delivery of your snowflakes!

  6. It sounds like Libby is a rockstar! I hope these are the last bumps in the road for you.

  7. Libby is a rockstar!!!

    Hoping and praying things go smoothly now.

    1. Thanks, Lainey! I hope all is well with your new LO!

  8. Hi from ICLW...thats just super frustrating!!! Why would her clinic even care that she is donating???

  9. Wow, that definitely is a lot of frustrating bumps in the road. Libby truly is a trooper! Hope they've been shipped by now, as I am still trying to catch up in all my blog reading!
