Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Today is the big day!

Today is the day Libby and her husband sign the contract and these precious snowflakes finally become ours!

I shipped the contract last week and I've been anxiously counting down the days until it made it to it's destination. And it finally arrived yesterday. In addition to sending the contract, we also sent a few gifts. I didn't want to spoil the surprise by posting anything about them on my blog earlier since Libby may have read it. They are quite a pale "thank you" compared to the incredible gift she is giving us, but we wanted something special from our family to hers.

I got her a snowflake necklace to always remind her of these precious snowflake babies. We also got her family a Southern Barbecue cookbook and some special Austin, Texas Barbecue sauces and rub (Salt Lick and Stubb's.) Texas is known for it's barbecue! And luckily, none of it exploded in transit which was always in the back of my mind.

Once we get the contract back, the embryologist at my lab is going to initiate the shipping process. It's all so exciting!

I also made an appointment for a saline ultrasound to be done next Thursday. I'm hoping all checks out a-ok with no hysteroscopy needed or any other delay. No one has taken a look in there since my D&C so fingers crossed it's all good.

The first saline ultrasound I had in July 2012 hurt so incredibly bad. It was with my previous RE and I had only taken IB profen. The second saline ultrasound was done in December 2012 with my new RE. I took a Valium and it didn't hurt whatsoever. But having been on Valium meant I needed a driver and I couldn't really go back to work, so it was a hassle. This time, I'm going to try to suck it up and just do it without a Valium so I don't need a driver and can go into work right afterwords. I honestly think the trick was the second doctor's technique and not the Valium. We will see. :)


  1. EEEEK! You are knocking out the to-do list on this amazing journey! WOO HOO!

  2. so excited for you!

  3. Oh my gosh girl, I am soooo excited for you!! I can't wait to read about your upcoming treatment :)

  4. So exciting!

    Saline ultrasounds hurt me, too. Try taking some ibuprofin before. I did that for my last one and it was better :)

  5. Hooray! May this be the first of a lot of years worth of "big days"!

  6. Great news! I love your gift ideas, especially the snowflake necklace.

  7. Congratulations! I love the gifts you sent. So thoughtful!

  8. YAY! What sweet gifts!!

    Also, I've nominated you for a little award on my blog :)

  9. Hooray!! It's all coming together! Hope the saline infusion went okay.
