Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A plea for prayers

Our incredible and selfless embryo donor, Libby, lost her beautiful six year old daughter to brain cancer this morning. We are beyond heartbroken for Libby and her family and ask that this community say a special prayer for comfort and peace for them during such an unbearable time.


  1. Oh my Liz, this is so heartbreaking. My thoughts and prayers are with Libby and her family.

  2. Oh my goodness....I've been wondering...That poor poor family. My deepest prayers for them.

  3. I am so sorry. Thinking of them and you

  4. praying!!! This is heartbreaking

  5. So, so, so sad. Praying for them.

  6. That's heart-wrenching. I'm thinking of them, and you.

  7. I am praying. I can't even imagine

  8. Prayers for comfort going out for them

  9. I have been reading her blog. Seeing the pictures and videos, just rips your heart out. What an amazing little girl and family. Flying free and with glitter, JLK.

  10. Utterly heartbreaking. The thought of losing my child paralyzes me. I can't imagine the pain they are suffering. My thoughts and prayers are with them and with you.

  11. Oh my goodness :( How awful and so unbelievably unfair! Do you have a link to her blog so we can send a message? God bless her during this awful time and may He give her some type of reassurance that He is there. God bless.

  12. I cant sleep so I came to catch up on you. We love you and little miss Samantha (although Libby is a awesome name too!) :)

  13. How incredibly sa! Praying for all!

  14. I am so sorry to read this. I wanted to ask a month or so ago but didn't know how to ask.
    Sending prayers for you all.

  15. How heartbreaking... lifting so many prayers for Libby and her family.

  16. This is so sad. I've prayed for this family when you posted the news about her condition and I am heartbroken to hear this. I'm so sorry for their loss.

  17. Oh my goodness, what an awful thing to happen to such good people :-( I'm so sorry for Libby and her family and will keep them in my T&Ps.

  18. I can't even begin to imagine the pain. I'm sorry for their loss.
