Friday, February 7, 2014


I'm obviously only 14w1d today, but I'm really looking forward to 16 weeks. I think about it a lot! Not only is that when we have our next appointment to see miss Sammy on ultrasound, but I understand this is the week that she will start to be able to hear inside of the womb. I think about her tiny little baby ears and what that must be like for her.

I know that may seem insignificant to some, but I am excited to know she can hear me when I talk to her, when I sing to her, and that we can begin a new and special bond that begins with our voices. It makes it feel more real. There are days where August seems far away, but then other days I look back and can't believe how fast this time has gone. I'm just grateful for each passing day that brings us one day closer to meeting her!


  1. I sang to my Mitch the entire pregnancy. And trust me, he recognized my song immediately when I sang it to him in the hospital room after he was born - calmed him right down. So I know exactly what you mean by this post. I am still just over the moon for you. Sammy is going to be very well loved, I can tell. XO

    1. I've read a lot of information online and in books that speaks to learning in utero! I'm not surprised one bit that he recognized your song after birth. Yes, she is going to be loved to the moon and back! She already is. My heart is so full! :)

  2. I felt like my kids knew my voice too :)

  3. Aw it's so sweet to think that baby can hear you!

    1. I love it! I've already started singing in the car and when I'm alone LOL! Who knows when those little ears get turned on!? :)

  4. Just wait till she's a teenager. Your voice will be greeted with an eye roll, smirk or hand.

    1. LOL no doubt! I definitely did the same to my parents! :) Good thing they come around again later in life, I know my mom ended up being my best friend.

  5. Every single steps along the way is so exciting! I think it's absolutely incredible that our bodies are actually able to grow a human being. Amazing!
