Tuesday, February 4, 2014

What's new?

What's new with me? Not much. You all already know the biggest news - that baby snowflake is a girl! We have enjoyed being able to call her by name and refer to her by the proper pronouns. But other than that, not much is new. Just taking it day by day and enjoying being pregnant. I think most of my baby updates are around nursery stuff because other than that, my life has been pretty low key (which is a good thing!)

Now that I'm on my way out of first trimester - which might have even been last week, depending on who you talk to - I'm finding my symptoms are letting up. They aren't gone by any means, but I have more energy, am enjoying some meals, less nausea, etc. That's great news! I'm even noticing my belly is growing! I'll probably end up taking some pictures when it's really noticeable and share them with you all. Right now you might see me and wonder if I just ate a big burrito or if there is actually a baby in there. It's not quite clear at this stage of the game.

Kevin is working hard on painting and prepping the nursery. He is installing the chair railing this weekend and then it's ready to start having the furniture moved in. 

I found this finishing touch yesterday that I knew it needed to have because every little girl needs a sparkly mini chandelier in her pink and gray nursery, right?

I also had a friend find this adorable baby blanket for me at Target.com. It was limited edition so I knew I she needed this too. Gray, white, AND snowflakes? Yup!

I've also been having fun putting together a registry. I'm realizing how clueless I am to actually raising a baby. I used to babysit a lot when I was a teen, so I know how to care for a baby very well. But raising a baby with all the appropriate gear and necessities - now that's a whole different story. My mama friends have been awesome in both giving us hand-me-downs and advice! I'm so grateful because I don't have any sisters and my mom is in heaven. What would I do without my friends? I don't even want to know the answer to that! :)

One of you asked about Sammy's name in my comments from the last post. Yes, we have had Samantha Lynn picked out all along. In fact, Kevin and I picked it out way back in 2006. We picked way back then both our boy and girl names. Little did we know how hard it would actually be once we started trying for a baby. And little did I know my mom would die before this name would be given. But it just reaffirms this specific little girl was meant to be our Sammy all along. I wouldn't have wanted any other baby to come to us, because it wouldn't be her. It's just amazing to think we finally get to put a face with the name we've had for eight years. 


  1. Ohh my word!! That chandelier is soooo perfect!! I can't wait to see the nursery come together!!

    1. I think so too! Kevin was a little lukewarm about a chandelier in there, but he finally decided to trust me and I don't think he will be disappointed when he sees the finished product! Thanks for your support!

  2. Gorgeous chandelier! Hubby and I are also trying to conceive. I am currently on my 6dp5dt. Friday is the big day for us after the 2ww. Congratulations on your little girl. She may not know it yet but she is very lucky to have you and Kevin for parents. Btw, I love reading your posts.

    1. Aww, what a kind thing to say! And I'll keep my fingers, toes, eyes, EVERYTHING crossed for you that you get a positive pregnancy test on Friday! :) Thanks for being a reader and commenting!

  3. Loving the chandelier! It is going to be such a perfect princess' room! I can't wait to see it all done up. And I love the name you've picked out. Your mom would be very proud!

    Mel @ there is a higher hope

    1. Thank you! It's really coming together fast! You're very sweet to say such a nice thing! :)

  4. That chandelier is too perfect! (kind of like miss sammy) I can't wait to see the finished room! I'm glad that you are feeling better..

  5. AW The chandelier and blanket are perfect!!! Aw this is so exciting, enjoy every minute of preparing for your sweet Sammy!

    1. I thought so too! Thanks so much for your kind words!

  6. My advice is to start taking pictures now! I was too superstitious to take any "before" pictures and I waited till I was showing. I regret that!

    1. You're right. I have been taking casual selfies, but nothing serious. Maybe I need to make a schedule and do it a little more intentionally. :)

  7. I love how excited you both are for the nursery. I know when we finished painting ours and putting the cribs up, I would just stand in the doorway and admire our nursery, in awe that we even had one. It is definitely a lot of fun!
