Thursday, February 27, 2014

A trip to the emergency room

It wasn't due to bleeding or anything baby related, I don't want to worry anyone.

This off-balance pregnant lady with a bigger-than-usual belly stepped off of a perfectly normal curb on a perfectly normal day in perfectly flat shoes and rolled her ankle at lunch yesterday! The first few minutes after it happened I just sat in my car and screamed and cried in some of the most excruciating pain I've ever endured. I had to go back to work for an important meeting so I wobbled my way back into the office. I couldn't reach Kevin because he was in meetings but luckily one of my coworkers was a former EMT and we ended up tying a bag of ice to it with a scarf I wore to work yesterday. Glad it was scarf weather! After the meeting was over, I realized how hard it was going to be to make all of the inevitable potty trips over the course of the afternoon, so I headed home to finish out my work day there. This is when I realized something was really wrong. Driving home was excruciating. Well, at least having my foot on the brake pedal was. I started to get really worried I had broken it.

Kevin came home and looked and it and we decided to go to the ER to check it out. When I got there, I told everyone that I was pregnant and to please make sure we protected my baby with every step of the process. The only thing that made me nervous was when we did X-Rays, but the tech assured me I was okay with the multiple layers of shielding, and the distance in proximity from my ankle to my belly.

X-Ray results came back as no break (THANK GOD) but just a nasty sprain so I've got it in a splint and am able to work from home. Quite an adventure though!

I know the first thing you might think is that I should be careful. But the scary part is that I wasn't being not-careful. I was literally just walking. I didn't slip, I didn't misstep, my foot just did it's own thing as I landed off the curb and rolled - probably because of my tendons and ligaments loosening as a results of pregnancy hormones. So I'm worried something like this could happen again. But the most important news is Sammy is okay, I don't have a broken ankle, and I'm hopeful things will heal up quickly.

So there's my exciting adventure that took me into my next milestone....I'm 17 weeks today!


  1. Aw poor thing! That's no fun! I hope it feels better soon! 17 weeks already!!!

  2. Sorry to hear about your poor ankle! But so glad your baby is okay and your ankle wasn't broken. XO

  3. oh my goodness! i have read a lot about the ligaments getting looser and this is a "perfect" example. Did they give you any advice? More supportive shoes? Hope it feels better fast!

    1. Yup, I think this is exactly what happened! They didn't really have any advice at the ER as to how to avoid it. I'm wearing a supportive brace for a while as it heals, which might be a while. I might wear boots more often to support my ankle, but that's going to be hard with winter coming to an end. Fingers crossed that it doesn't happen again! :)

  4. Glad to hear you are okay! The ligaments loosening is most probably the culprit. Congrats on 17 weeks!

    1. Thank you! Yes, I am pretty sure you're right! :)

  5. I have the weakest ankles and mine tend to do this often so no judgement here!!

    Glad you are ok! Make sure you do lots of stretching of that ankle once it feels better, you don't want it to go permanently tight on you. (I severely sprained my right ankle 3 years in a row in high school playing soccer, I still don't have full mobility)

    1. I'm sorry your mobility hasn't returned, but you've inspired me to look up stretching and I've been doing it regularly. Thank you for the advice!

  6. Glad you are OK, and Baby is OK. At least you get to work from home. =)

    1. Thank you! Yes, it's definitely helpful to work from home on days like that!

  7. OW! I know how incredibly painful rolling your ankle is - I have fainted from the pain. I'm glad you have no broken bones. Hope it heals quickly.

    1. Ouch, I'm sorry you know how this feels! I can honestly say I've never felt pain this bad before! It was insane! Thanks for the well wishes!

  8. Ouch!!! Glad that Sammy is OK and hope that you are on the mend!!! Feel better and tell Kevin you needs lots of TLC (not that he hasn't already been taking good care of you!!!)

    1. Thanks, Vicky! Yup, Kevin has been treating me like a princess! :)

  9. Sounds painful! Glad you and the baby are ok.

  10. Glad you are OK! Try not to stress about the X ray … I broke some fingers before I knew I was pregnant and had an x ray AND vicodin but my very cautious OB told me it would be just fine. And congrats on 17 weeks!

    1. This is reassuring, I appreciate that you shared this with me. I tend to worry about the silly little things, and I know you're right. :)

  11. Happy 17 weeks! So glad that you are okay and that they shielded your baby! Glad that its just a sprain and not a break. Hope its healing well!!

  12. This happened to me twice while I was pregnant. My ankle just gave out on me! I'm glad it wasn't broken and hope it heals fast.
