Sunday, March 23, 2014

A snowflake's nursery

I got this beautiful decal applied in Sammy's nursery today. It makes me think back to our painful infertility journey and how we are finally at this point. It reminds me how Sammy was meant to be ours all along, and this is the time she was meant to be. I can't wait to lay her sweet head down in this room. I tear up every time I see it.

In case you're curious, I ordered the gorgeous custom decal custom from Right on the Walls as a recommendation from my friend Jess at A Greater Yes. I seriously could not be more pleased!!! I had a really hard time finding anything pre-made that fit what I was going for. If you're looking for something like this, I highly recommend that site (and no I did not get paid to say this.)

When the room is 100% finished, I'll make a post with lots of pictures complete with sources for everything in case anyone is interested. We've had a few questions about things and I'm happy to share!


  1. Oh Liz! I love it. The wall decal is perfect and nursery looks amazing.

  2. This is amazing. It's beautiful and that wall decal is perfect.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you! The decal pretty much sums it all up for me! :)

  4. Oh that is just so amazingly perfect!!! It's just gorgeous!

  5. It's beautiful!! I love the room

  6. What a lovely retreat for you and your sweet babe. So peaceful and serene. Love the words on the wall! So perfect for you guys!!

  7. What a perfect saying. Beautiful, just beautiful.
