Thursday, March 20, 2014

Anatomy scan and half baked!

Well, friends, I'm at the halfway point! 20 weeks today! This morning, we had our much anticipated (and much feared, thank you PGaL brain) 20w anatomy scan. And great news - we were able to see that everything looked perfect in there! The only thing is that Sammy wouldn't give us a good shot of her ascending aorta and pulmonary arteries so we will be going back in a month. This doesn't mean there's a problem, but it just means they need to "check mark that box" according to my OB. He's not worried at all and is over the moon excited for how well it turned out. Today, she weighs 11 oz or almost the weight of a can of soda. LOL!

We learned that Sammy currently hangs out in the breech position which explains why most of the movement I feels is very low. Her little legs are just kicking away down there most of the time. But the surprising part is that her head is already much above my belly button! I had no idea she was so big. We got a few photos and a video that I wanted to share.

3d shot of her sucking her thumb! So cute <3 <3 <3

Looks like she's peeking through a curtain! Well hello there, Miss Sammy Snowflake!
This made all of us giggle. She really likes to keep her ankles crossed. She's quite a lady!
Bottom shot of her little feet in the crossed position shown above. I just want to kiss those toes!
And a video of miss wiggle worm...

We also registered at the hospital today. Can you believe it? I certainly can't.


  1. Aw she's so cute!!! She's really wiggling in there! :D Love it!

  2. awesome! it took us 3 anatomy scans to get all the pictures - nothing was wrong they just could not get clear shotd! its great cause you get extra scans!

    1. I know! That's totally how I look at it too! :) Glad you got the extras yourself.

  3. that's amazing! So happy for you and little Sammy!

  4. So cute how she crosses her little legs!

  5. Eeeekkk! So exciting! We had to do a few anatomy scans of my daughter to "check all our boxes" and she came out perfect! Enjoy the next 20 weeks...they're going to fly by.

  6. So glad all is well with baby girl. Already half way now! Hope she turns head down before it's time then. Enjoy this time as much as you can :)

    1. I'm enjoying it so much! I can't believe it, but I am. :) :) :) thank you!

  7. Congrats! Half-baked is a huge milestone. :)

  8. Love the crossed legs. Adorable!
