Monday, March 31, 2014

Winner, winner chicken dinner!

I had some nausea and vomiting in first trimester. It seemed to strike in the morning, evenings, and especially the middle of the night. However, starting at about 19 1/2 weeks, I've been VERY nauseated only after dinner every. single. night. It's like clockwork. It hits about 20 minutes after I'm done taking my last bite. The bigger problem I'm running into is that I take all of my pills with dinner and have thrown them up (violently, might I add) a few times now. I'm planning to shift my pills to breakfast so even as I inevitably get sick at dinner, at least my pills won't be lost. I have a normal sized lunch and a small breakfast and this doesn't happen. Dinner is the winner here! And PS, I don't think it's the pills causing this because I've been on these exact same pills for far longer than I've been pregnant. No issues until just recently.

I'm not complaining, I'm so grateful to be in this position to even ask this question, but I'm wondering if anyone else ran into something similar? Only after-dinner nausea and vomiting? Sammy is breech, and the only explanation I can come up with is that her sweet little (or big?) noggin is squishing my stomach making it unable to hold very much volume. If I eat a VERY small dinner, it seems to help somewhat. So that's kind of my resolution right now. A few bites for dinner every night. Curious if this sounded familiar to anyone else reading.


  1. Aw Sammy don't make Mama throw up! :)

    1. LOL! Little Sammy just doing what Sammy does (and I love her to pieces) hehe!

  2. I think this is common. As she gets bigger and begins to squish everything you may just need to eat small meals frequently through out the day. I remember drinking a lot of calories (smoothies, milk, even soup) towards the end as it went down better than solids. I think the hormones also make digestion slower. Hang in there!

    1. Yup, I think this is my new reality. I'm supplementing with Glucerna shakes throughout the day and soups are becoming by far my preferred meal. I think I'll find a way to cope! Sorry you had to go through that too.

  3. I have heard of the nausea lasting the whole pregnancy. Thankfully, I was not somebody who was afflicted with that, but I have only had boys as well. My nausea always went away around 14 weeks. The thing I find similiar is that I would only really be nauseated when I was tired like at the end of the day, say after dinner... So I think switching your pills to the morning is a good idea! Hang in there, you are halfway done!!

    1. Yup, operation pill switch is underway. :) I'm moving them back a few hours every day and tomorrow they will be full on morning pills! I'm sorry you had some nausea too!

  4. I've been finding now that I can't eat very much for dinner. My eyes are always bigger than my stomach. It I eat more than my stomach can handle I start to feel sick. And if I eat something that is too sweet nausea hits right away. I never had any problems with morning sickness though so I think this is because the baby is starting to squish everything in there and because of the slower digestion.

    1. Yes, I've definitely had that problem where my eyes are bigger than my stomach. I'm trying to be super careful now that I know what an issue it is for me. I'm really glad to even be worried about thsi problem because it means there's a baby in there!

  5. Yes! I've been having this since entering the third trimester. The only thing that helps is to eat a small dinner.

    1. Sounds like that's the solution for all of us. Hang in there, you're on the home stretch!

  6. I had nausea through my entire first pregnancy. Around 24 weeks I felt okay but not for long. I also had a breech baby , but did not know at the time. I had to take zofran so I could keep food down. No fun, but totally worth it. My second baby was much easier, no nausea at all.

    1. Oh man, I'm so sorry. I wonder if breech does have something do do with a little more of the squish factor. Who knows? I'm sorry you went through it, but you're right - totally worth it and then some. :) I'll do whatever it takes!

  7. Yup...I had it. Along with awful awful awful heartburn the entire pregnancy. It's just where and how Firefox was positioned. I found smaller and more frequent meals were the only solution (along with having the time handy). It was a pain but I so so loved the reason I was sick was I had my beautiful rainbow baby growing in there.

    1. Time = tums..darn autocorrect

    2. Yup, I think I've been keeping the Tums corporation in business lately lol! I had someone mention that this problem could also be related to acid reflux and I wonder if that's a big part of it in addition to the squishing of everything in there from someone's (I won't name names....ahem Sammy...) head in there. :)
