Sunday, June 8, 2014

31w3d update

I'm so boring these days and don't know what to blog about, lol! Boring is good when you're pregnant though. The fact I'm boring means Sammy is growing without complications and we're just moving (slowly, it seems) toward her scheduled arrival on July 29! I'm 31w3d pregnant and only 50 days left until she's in my arms!

June is jam-packed with all kinds of baby-related classes, appointments, baby shower, etc. It's making all of this seem more and more real as well as getting us more and more excited. I think it's making the time move by quicker as well.

As for a GD update, my MFM and I are playing constant catch-up with my insulin dose. With GD, t's not a set-it-and-forget-it kind of thing. The bigger your placenta gets, the higher your insulin needs become. And apparently I'm at the point of pregnancy where levels go extra out of whack! So I'm slightly above goal sugar numbers right now despite eating exactly how I'm supposed to. It's pretty much a moving target! We continue to gradually up my dose every couple of days.

Sammy is moving and dancing like crazy these days. I can't believe how big she is. I can feel her whole body wiggling around and it gives me a good idea of her size. She stretches all the way across my abdomen! It still blows my mind there is a real, live human being in there. One with a cute little tooshie, wrinkly fingers and eyelashes. I love her so much. I'm finding myself trying to picture what her movements would look like outside of the body. Sometimes I swear I feel wiggling toes and fingers. Is that even possible to feel something so delicate?

I had my first somewhat normal dream about her last night. My other dreams have been freaky where she's the size of a thumb or hurt in some way. But last light she was out, she was beautiful, and I got to hold her and look at her and love on her. It was blissful. The one thing I remember in my dream was how I recognized I couldn't feel her in my belly anymore and how I missed it. So when I woke up with her still in my belly, I felt a few kicks and smiled. I'm relishing every minute I can with her inside!

Anyway, I have two appointments this week - one with my OB on Wednesday and one with the MFM on Thursday. I'm starting to have a hard time walking due to some hip/back problems on my left side but not sure they can do anything for it. I'll ask, but I figure this is just part of what third trimester looks like and I'm okay with that. As long as I can feel Sammy moving around in there, my body can give me whatever aches and pains it wants to until we make it to the finish line!


  1. Such a sweet post. Love how you describe her movements. Can't wait for her to get here already! 50 days isn't long. :)


    1. Thanks! I know, I really can't believe how soon she will be here. Mind boggling....

  2. I'm so excited for you! It seems like the time is flying by. Does it feel that way on your end?

    1. Thank you so much! Some days it feels like it's flying, some days it feels like it's dragging lol. Strange how it can feel both ways! But it does. :)

  3. Yay for 50 days! I can't wait. So excited for you, Liz.

  4. Yea for boring and healthy!

    1. Gotta love boring! :) I hope you're having a boring time yourself. ;-)

  5. Boring is good at this stage!

  6. If you are open to it try going to a chiropractor! I was in no pain at 40 weeks and had an easy and fast VBAC as well! :)

    1. I think I am going to look into this. It's getting worse and I'm thinking there is going to come a day I'm completely immobile if I don't do something soon. Glad it helped you!
