Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Cottage cheese, you've made me happy!

Want a glimpse into my wacky brain?  I'm super excited at the realization that we've bought dairy products with an expiration AFTER Sammy's scheduled arrival date of July 29th. That must mean she's going to be here very, very soon! Yup. I'm weird. :)

It's similar (only in a happy way) to how I'd have realizations in October 2013 about food expirations that were on or after the estimated due date of our first loss, Maggie.

I'm just grateful for the fact that the date this time means something happy!


  1. Yep, I can totally see me doing this too! I also did that with dates that reminded me of the due date of my baby I lost last year.

    1. Hugs, I'm sorry about your loss. Weird how dates can be good or bad. Lots of reminders in the strangest of places.

  2. love it! See you soon little Sammy :D

  3. :) it's getting so close! Exciting!

  4. Super jealous!! I have 132 days left! Sammy will be here in no time!!

    1. Oooh it will be here before you know it! Super excited for you!

  5. Replies
    1. Oh I totally am! LOL I even told my OB about our cottage cheese he had a good laugh about it.
