Thursday, July 17, 2014

Crap just got real.

First off, the happy news....

I'm 37 weeks today! THIRTY SEVEN WEEKS which is..... *drum roll* full term! Yes, it's early full term but still full freakin' term! I figured that if I were ever so lucky to sustain a pregnancy, I'd definitely not make it to full term. But yet here I am staring full term right in the face, shaking it's hand and introducing myself. I have a full term baby named Sammy, ladies and gentlemen. It's just unreal.

Now onto the bad news.

We confirmed I have pre-eclampsia. Ugh. It's really mild right now but I am spilling protein into my urine and my BP is continuing to rise.

What does this mean? It means we are going to wait it out carefully over the weekend and it's highly, highly likely Sammy will be coming next week instead of the following as planned. Yes, you read that correctly. Next week we will likely have this little girl in our arms.

I'm excited and scared crapless all at the same time.

I'm supposed to take it easy from here on out and call the after-hours number if my BP goes over 140/90 while laying down. If that happens, they will probably admit me to the hospital for bed rest and deliver early next week. I have tried to be a 'go with the flow' type person about all this, but if there is one request I could make to the universe it is that my OB himself gets to deliver Sammy and not just some random OB on-call. He's such a caring person, an amazing doctor, and it would mean a lot to me that it's him and no one else. He's optimistic we can ride this out and nothing major will happen between now and next week, but if you could offer your prayers up that I can continue to stay stable until at least next week for all of the obvious reasons, but also that my OB will be the delivery man, I'd appreciate it. I have an appointment with the MFM tomorrow for what sounds like will be my final growth scan and BPP.

And today we have hired a team of house cleaners to come by and clean every square inch of this house. It's in desperate need of it. It's my version of nesting....from the couch as I watch. :)

Stay tuned, things just got really real.


  1. WOW! I can't believe it could be so soon! PRAYERS!!!

    1. I can't believe it either! Just mind blowing! Thank you for the prayers. :)

  2. Congrats on making it to full term. So, so sorry to hear about the pre-eclampsia. I have lifted both you and baby up in prayer this morning. Excited for you to be delivering soon! I can't wait to see your beautiful daughter. :)

    Mel @

    1. Thank you! I appreciate the prayer. I'll definitely be posting photos!

  3. Congratulations on making it full term! Prayers that you and Sammy remain healthy and Dr. Wonderful can deliver her.

  4. You are so ready for this! Prayers for you and Sammy.

    1. Thank you so much! I feel SO ready, yet so unprepared lol!

  5. Praying for you, Kevin and your beautiful Samantha. Will be watching for the happy news! Libby's Mom

    1. How sweet of you to comment and pray for us. I know you all have so much going on in your lives, know that we think of you all the time. I'll definitely be keeping you all in the loop. Thank you for your kindness. <3

  6. That is so exciting :-) Glad you are keeping an eye on the Pre-E, I hope everything will go well. FX for you!!

    1. Thank you so much! Yup, close eye indeed!

  7. Hooray for FT!!! Keeping my fingers crossed that your Pre-E does not get any worse. BTW, I love your version of nesting!!

    --MM29 (Mindy)

    1. Thank you, Mindy! Yes, nesting from the couch seems to be the way to go for me. ;-) It was exhausting watching everyone scrub and vaccum lol. I've got everything crossed for you too!

  8. Yeah on making it to full term. You are almost there and meeting your beautiful baby girl!

    1. I just can't believe it! The finish line is in sight! :) Thanks for your support always!

  9. I'm a long time lurker who's been following your inspiring, wonderful story. Just wanted to wish you all the very best over the coming days. Rest up, enjoy your clean house and your precious little girl will soon be here!

    1. Aww, thank you for following and commenting. I really do appreciate the support! I am loving the clean house and can't believe we're almost going to meet this little girl. Finally! :)
