Thursday, July 3, 2014

A snowflake's baby shower

Saturday was out much anticipated baby shower. And of course, it was snowflake themed. Would you expect anything else? :)

My friend, Candace, flew in last Wednesday and we had a great time planning and prepping for the big day. I'm surprised we were able to find so much snowflake themed stuff in late June, but we did. And the stuff we couldn't find was made by friends and family. They really went all out to make it nice. I can't thank Candace enough. On top of tending to her 7 week old baby, cooking and prepping, she also took the beautiful photos above. Super woman, right?

It was so perfect and amazing and much more than I could have ever dreamed. I honestly never thought I'd have a baby shower. After the years of infertility, I figured I'd never even be a mom. But even if I did, who would even care enough to go celebrate a shower or throw one for us? My mom had passed away amidst it all and I had distanced myself from many of my friends who "didn't understand." Infertility is a cruel beast and as many of you know, can rob us of more than just a chance at parenthood. But my true friends stuck it out and my dream of a baby shower came true. It was a celebration I'll never forget. Lots of happy tears were shed. I still can't believe we are celebrating a baby that is growing inside of me. It's surreal. There really are no words to describe how happy I feel.

And to my very special blog-reader-turned-friend who made the long drive down to celebrate with us, thank you. Having you join us was one of the best parts. You know who you are. :)

We got so many beautiful and thoughtful gifts. Everyone at the shower knew of our struggle and of the incredible way that this baby came to be. I still think about it and cry.

Everything is now put away and I am realizing it was the last major milestone on the countdown to Sammy's arrival. There's nothing left but to wait. CPR classes? check. Nursery finished? check. Hospital tour? check. Baby shower - check! I just can't believe that in 25 days, or less, this little girl will be an outside baby and in our arms. I'm 35 weeks today and in just two short weeks, I'll be full term. Un-freakin'-real. If this is a dream, I don't want to ever wake up.

Just incredible. I could not be more thankful and in awe.


  1. What a beautiful shower! I'm so glad your day was so special!

    Mel @

    1. Thank you! It was so special and a day I will always remember. :)

  2. Everything is so beautiful! So happy for you. 25 days will fly by!!!

    1. Thank you! I sure hope so! I know you're right. :)

  3. I LOVE it! So perfect and so beautiful!

    1. Thank you! My friend did an amazing job!

  4. It looks amazing! So happy for you! I can't believe how soon she'll be here!

    1. Thank you! I know right? It seems like it's just around the corner now. :)

  5. I'm so glad everything was perfect. I love the decorations, what a perfect way to celebrate your little girl on the way!

  6. How adorable!!! I hope the next few weeks are perfect for you!

  7. Beautiful! All the very best for the birth. A few weeks ago you posted about books for Sammy, and my mum bought my baby boy a book called "The Crown On Your Head" by Nancy Tillman, which I think you would love. I can't read it without having tears in my eyes, it is beautiful

    1. Aww, thank you for the recommendation. I just ordered it from Amazon and it will arrive Tuesday. It looks like a beautiful book. I love the Nancy Tillman books. Thank you for the recommendation!

  8. What a beautiful shower, Liz! You deserve it. I'm so happy for you.

  9. Your shower looked beautiful! Your baby is almost here mommy!

    1. I know, I can't believe it! :) Thank you!
