Thursday, January 23, 2014

NT scan and Facebook announcement

I had my 12w NT scan today and....


We are so overjoyed. I don't remember the exact measurements, but the neck fold was well below their threshold, and the nasal bone was definitely present. The sonographer said baby looked like, and I quote, a SUPERSTAR. Yes, she used the word SUPERSTAR!

And the icing on the cake is that this ultrasound was done abdominally. So for the first time ever I was able to keep my pants on! LOL. I know it seems silly, but it's a milestone, friends! :)

We are still having MaterniT21 screening done because we aren't 100% sure of the family history of our anonymous Romanian embryo donor. We should get the results in about 10 days. And those results will also include the sex of baby snowflake! So stay tuned, I'll definitely post those results with all kind of fanfare.

And in other exciting news, we announced on Facebook today!

Here's the picture I used, complete with the 3d ultrasound photo that came from today's appointment!

I also posted the following to really get the details out there:

After several painful years of infertility, two miscarriages, and through the miracle of embryo adoption, Kevin and I are finally expecting our first baby due August 7th! Our miracle was frozen for many years before joining our family. Because these special embryos are each frozen as one-of-a-kind, tiny miracles, we refer to them as snowflakes! I know many of you may not be familiar with embryo adoption and may be curious about it. I encourage you to ask me questions because it’s a topic I love to talk about. We can’t wait for our beloved snowflake baby to melt our hearts this summer.
 And to those of you who are silently suffering as you endure the unbelievably painful battle with infertility and/or loss, please know you are forever in my prayers. You are not alone.

I know all too well how painful pregnancy announcements can be. So I hope and pray that my acknowledgement to those suffering helps lessen the blow a bit. I truly do pray every night for those who suffer from IF and loss. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

So I guess that's it! We are out and open now. I hope this is just the beginning of our getting the word out there about the amazing blessing of embryo adoption!


  1. Congratulations! What a beautiful and much loved little baby you have :) motherhood is absolutely amazing and such a blessing :) wishing you all the best x

    1. Very loved, indeed! Thanks for the best wishes!

  2. What a wonderful and thoughtful way to announce on Facebook. Blessings to you.

  3. Love this! Congrats again, Liz!

  4. Congrats!!!! I think your announcement was done perfectly!

  5. What a wonderful scan and a beautiful announcement! I think it's perfect!!

  6. What a beautiful announcement, and such a perfect little baby! I am so, so happy for you two!

  7. Liz, I am so incredibly happy for you! What a wonderful 3D picture! An adorable little peanut you have there! How sweet! Congrats on making your announcement and bless you for being so open about EA. ((HUGS)) - Kelly

    1. Thanks so much! I love EA and love to help others! :)

  8. huge congrats on a great NT -I think the Fbook announcement is incredibly sensitive, and well done. And just saying, 8/7 is a GREAT due date (and also my birthday! =)

    1. Thanks on both accounts! And I agree, 8/7 is a wonderful due date and even better now! :)

  9. Great announcement - love it! If I read that on Facebook from someone I know I'm pretty sure I would feel nothing but happiness. Glad to hear the scan showed everything looking fantastic.

    1. Aww thank you. This makes me feel better about it. :)

  10. What a beautiful announcement and a very cute little baby. :)

  11. How wonderful!
    What an amazing 3d baby pic. Love it!

  12. AW Superstar Snowflake! Congrats on being FB official!!! So wonderful!

  13. I know I am a total random internet stranger, but I am legit thrilled for you. I've been following your blog for a while and you just seem like such a sweet person. Congratulations and may your pregnancy be boring, happy, and healthy! :)

    1. What a kind thing to say! I appreciate you reading and following for a while, and for commenting. I thank you for the kind words! They really make my day!

  14. Yeah! Will you be finding out which family your miracle came from? I was just curious as was there not two embies from two wonderful families? So happy to get to shout it from the roof tops now! This truly is your turn. Justine

    1. Yes, that's correct! We plan to do a cheek swab at birth and will compare it to the son of the Romanian donor family. We won't know until then, though!

  15. Congrats, Liz. I thought of you as we mourn the loss of biological children and decide how to proceed. Any recommendations on places to do research for egg donation? Not sure if you ever looked into that or went straight to embryo donation.

    1. Thanks, Jessah! Biggest hugs to you. I sent you a few PMs and I hope you are able to find a path you feel comfortable and confident in. I'm here if you ever need me.

  16. Hello! I'm a reporter and very interested in your blog and your journey to motherhood. Would you drop me a line to discuss possibly doing a story?

  17. We had our first "regular OB" appointment last Friday and it was SO weird to have the ultrasound abdominally; I've become accustomed to dropping my pants within 10 minutes of getting into the office. It seemed like such an important milestone yet to so many it's no big deal. Gotta love the journey!

  18. So glad the nuchal scan went so well! Great job with the facebook announcement. That was an incredibly brave thing to do to put yourself out there like that.

  19. I'm a little late to the game but congratulations on a great NT scan and being "out"! The post you wrote along with the picture is so beautiful and brought tears to my eyes :-)
