Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Symptoms, painting, and smiling babies

Things are still going great. I'm able to pick up baby's heartbeat on the doppler within mere seconds of trying now. I guess that must mean baby is growing quickly!

Interestingly enough, my symptoms dissipated at around 9-10 weeks, but came back with a vengeance over the past few days. I threw up so violently on Saturday morning that my chest was sore for days. I'll take pregnancy however I can get it, even if its wrought full of all kinds of not-so-fun things, but this last weekend definitely was a bit more challenging than I've experienced so far! Central Texas is experiencing major cedar pollen and it's causing me to have a hard time sleeping because I'm so congested. Everything pregnancy-safe isn't working, so I'm just praying the cedar calms down here soon so I can get a little rest.

A few days ago I had a strange experience. I got up off of the couch and found I had a hard time walking or putting weight on my right leg. I felt the pain down low in the groin area. My first thought was round ligament pain. But after it persisted into the following morning, I decided to read about it and I ultimately I think what I was experiencing was symphisis pubic dysfunction. The pain wasn't exactly sharp, but it was constant, which makes me think it wasn't round ligament pain. I'll be talking to my OB about it at the NT scan Thursday because it was pretty debilitating when it happened. I was waddling and holding onto counters and chairs to walk. Luckily, it only lasted about 14 hours. But if it comes back and sticks around, it could mean physical therapy. Whatever it takes for this baby to make it here safe and sound, I'll do. :)

In other news, Kevin started painting the nursery yesterday! Regardless of boy or girl, the basic color scheme in the room will be gray and white paint similar to the room below that we are using for inspiration. A boy will have blue accents and girl will have pink accents like the picture here:

Kevin is so sweet. He wouldn't even let me lift a finger to help. He's dreamed about painting the nursery since as far back as I can remember. He told me to come upstairs once he had finished the ceiling and I did, only to find this on the wall.

Kevin + Elizabeth <3 baby!
Adorable, no? I love this man!

Yesterday we went grocery shopping. Booooooring. But on the way out, there was a little girl who was maybe eight months or so being pushed around by her mom in the shopping cart ahead of us. This adorable little girl looked right at us, with this ridiculously cute smile on her face. We smiled back, waved, and she gave us an even bigger grin. It just melted our hearts. It reminded me of the amazing prize at the end of all of this. It reminded me what all of the last three years of fighting has been for. As silly as this sounds, sometimes the tangible baby at the end of this journey is easy to forget because you're so busy protecting yourself by only living day-by-day, week by week. But in that moment of seeing this little baby girl smile at us, my heart grew about five sizes remembering we will soon have a tangible, smiling baby of our own.


  1. I love the idea for the color scheme of the nursery. I'm in love with gray these days! And how adorable is your hubby? I love it when the hubbies get excited too!

    1. Me too! I think gray is such a neutral and sweet color base. Kevin sure is amazing! Thanks!

  2. I love your nursery theme! Can't wait to find out with you who you are bring home...pink or blue!

    1. Thanks! me too! You guys will be some of the first to know!

  3. Soooo beyond adorable!! I love the gray theme as well! It will go perfectly with anything!! My good friend lives in Texas and she's been miserable with the cedar pollen issue as well. Praying that it starts to dissipate for all you Texaners! You all need some relief!

    1. I know, right?

      Yeah Austin is just full of cedar right now. Everyone is so over it and wishes it would just go away already lo! Thanks for wishing it away for us too! :)

  4. I've been seeing a lot of FB updates from people in Austin with cedar pollen issues. Can't say I miss it, though we're getting a snowstorm right now with up to 10" of snow...eeks!

    Yay for nursery painting! I can't wait to see the final room :)

    I had SPD with Caleb, but it didn't hit me until I was 29-30 weeks. I could not roll to/from my side in bed, put on my pants/socks or rotate to get out of the car without pain in my pelvis. It sucked! My midwife said there wasn't much you could do other than wearing a maternity belt to kind of keep your pelvis together, but mind was really itchy so I stopped wearing it. The only other piece of advice she gave me was to try to keep my legs together when I moved and shifted.

    1. Yeah, it's miserable! It's the worst that it's been in years. Stay warm up there! I asked my OB about SPD today and he said that there's not much we can do. OH well, it hasn't come back (yet) but he thinks it probably will. Okay by me, I'm just happy to be here with a ticket to the show. :)

  5. I am so excited for you two! I love the ideas for the room! I am not pregnant yet (FET is next Wednesday), but I plan on painting the nursery sometime in the next week! It will be gray as well with some chevron design. We're going to have navy and orange as accents for the boy's room or orange and aqua accents for the girl's room. I can at least start getting accents in orange before we find out the sex of the baby. :) I know...I sound crazy since I'm not even pregnant yet, but I've been planning a nursery for 5 years and I feel like we are getting so close to becoming pregnant! :)

    1. Ahh! Sorry I'm late to reply, but I hope your transfer went perfectly and your LO is snuggling in right now. I love the idea for your nursery! Sounds beautiful! And no shame in decorating early, I go crazy when I'm not doing anything and I was planning to start the nursery even before this transfer. We just never got around to it! So good for you! :) You'll have to take pics when it's done and share!

  6. How wonderful for you guys. I can't even imagine how excited you must be!

    1. Thanks! Yes, we are over the moon excited! :)

  7. So sweet! Your nursery will be beautiful. As will the baby who will live there. :-)

    1. Thank you! And this baby most definitely will be beautiful and forever loved!

  8. Your nursery is going to be beautiful and your husband is too sweet. :)

    SPD sucks. No other way to put it. I was miserable by the end, but it was all worth it and it pretty much disappeared as soon as the kiddo was out.

    1. Thanks so much! He is great!
      I'm sorry you had to deal with SPD, but I'm glad to hear it went away after baby came! :)

  9. Replies
    1. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Thinking of you ALWAYS.

  10. There's a song, "To Get Me to You" by Lila McCann. You need to hear it. The lyrics speak to the long road and heartbreak that so many of us have taken. Anyway, it makes me think of my Baby Girl....& I love it.
    "Every road I had to take, every time my heart would break, it was just something that I had to get through, to get me to you."

    1. Just checked it out on YouTube. Wow...just...WOW. I totally get what you're saying (totally crying.)

      This song nails it. Thanks for sharing!

  11. Ps: Kevin, live the painting!!!

  12. There's a song, "To Get Me to You" by Lila McCann. You need to hear it. The lyrics speak to the long road and heartbreak that so many of us have taken. Anyway, it makes me think of my Baby Girl....& I love it.
    "Every road I had to take, every time my heart would break, it was just something that I had to get through, to get me to you."

  13. Definitely talk to your Dr about your pain but I cannot help but recommend chiropractic care while pregnant, especailly with all the relaxin hormone floating around your body! I have been seeing a chiro my entire second pg and wish I had done it with my first. I think my first was malpositioned which probably helped lead to my c-section. Hoping, among several other things, chiro care will help me achieve an unmedicated VBAC! Hope you are feeling better soon and what a sweet hubs you have! :)

    1. Thanks! Luckily, it hasn't come back since that one time. But I will definitely keep this tucked away in my mind! I mentioned it to my OB today so it's out there in case it does come back! :) Glad you found some relief and had a VBAC!

  14. How sweet, Kevin is going to be a great Daddy!

    I love your nursery design. It looks so timeless. We are going with light grey walls and purple accents in the room. I am trying to find an old dresser online and have hubby paint it purple.

    1. He sure is!

      Thanks! Yours sounds absolutely adorable! I think gray is such a pretty color that goes with all colors wonderfully. And what a cute idea with the dresser!

  15. Aw I love it! So gorgeous! And so sweet of your hubby! Mine painted a tiny version of that right next to the light plate in our oldest son's room when we were decorating it. I wouldn't let him cover it!

    1. Thanks! Yes, he's wonderful!

      And what a cute thing to keep around!!!!! You're making me think we should hide a little message somewhere in the room like under the light plate! So sweet! Hubbies are wonderful!

  16. Love the nursery and so sweet of your husband! Take care of yourself!!

    1. Thanks so much! You take care of yourself as well!

  17. I just found your blog and I have to say that the writing on the wall is ADORABLE!!!


    1. Thanks for stopping by and commenting! :) :) :)

  18. Your husband is sweet! It's so fun to get the nursery done. After we finished ours, both of us would go in the nursery and just stare and admire that we even had a nursery. It was crazy! And oh so fun!
