Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The doggy horror show

I'm 10 weeks today! It feels like a big accomplishment seeing how it puts me in double digit zone. I never got this far with pregnancy/miscarriage #1. We celebrated (yeah right!) with our dog, Oscar, who blessed our home with a horrible case of diarrhea at 2am. Not quite the 10 week celebration we had in mind. Poor pup. It's probably my fault for giving him a few pieces of popcorn after dinner. Note to self: This dog will never get popcorn again. This is a really gross post so only read if you're not eating and are brave. But the last six hours of my life have been filled with....well, massive grossness.

Most of my acute morning sickness happens in the middle of the night, so waking up to a dog disaster around 2am such as this one was a perfect storm. It was one of those things that wakes you thinking "what's that smell?" then you turn the lights on dreading what you're about to see, only to discover a horrible scene far worse than you feared. We pulled out the carpet cleaner, sopped everything up, and cleaned the carpet like mad. Oscar was put in the master bathroom for the rest of night where at least it's tiled. Kevin and I couldn't handle the horrible smell that lingered so we ended up sleeping in our guest room while Oscar stayed alone in the bathroom. At least I left the light on for him. Poor dude! I had a hard time falling asleep until after 3am because I was so incredibly nauseated.

I woke up around 7am hoping the worst part was over. But unfortunately, I was wrong. Now the master bathroom was covered in Oscar's illness. This time it was too much for me to bear. What started with me gagging turned into more. I puked. Twice. Kevin was already at work so I was solo on cleanup duty for this one! I'm proud to say that I did it, though. It's a freakin' miracle! I'm proud because this makes me feel like I can do anything I put my mind to!

I'm trying to look at the bright side. Waking up in the middle of the night to horrific bodily fluids from a creature I love is a good training camp for baby, right? There has to be a bright side, so I'll tell myself this is it.

Update: As if the morning poo-mageddon 2014 wasn't enough....

After work while taking out the garbage, Kevin accidentally stepped in dog poo and dragged it all over the carpet in the house. He graciously got the carpet cleaner out and cleaned it up. When it was all done, he went to empty the poo-water bucket into the toilet when it accidentally fell over dumping about a gallon of said poo-water all over the bathroom. I'm talking the walls, the floor, EVERYTHING was covered in horrific poo water. A few expletives later, he pulled from his firefighting hazmat training and spent the next 30 minutes cleaning and disinfecting everything. Let's just say I'll die a happy woman if I never have to confront this much dog poo ever again in a single day!

Sometimes you just have to laugh at it all. :)


  1. Oyyy what a morning! Congrats on 10 weeks! I surely hope your day gets better and Oscar feels better soon!

    1. Indeed it was! :) He seems to be romping around like nothing ever happened so I hope the worst of this is over lol!

  2. Hoping your morning sickness goes away soon! But always remember, it's a happy reminder of what is happening. :) Zofran helped me on my worst days, but I was also able to get more natural remedies for the not-so-bad days. I also found keeping food in my stomach helped the most, so maybe try eating a protein snack before you go to bed.

    1. Thanks! Oh trust me, I'm delighted as to what the morning sickness means. Dog diarrhea on the other hand? Not so much. :) I actually have Zofran but I'm hesitant about using it because of a recent FDA warning about it related to heart defects in babies. I have an OB appt tomorrow and am going to ask about diclegis. We will see! And yup, I always have some cottage cheese on hand for these middle-of-the-night nausea moments. It does seem to help. I force myself to eat a scoop and usually it gets better. Sounds like we are on the same page! :)

  3. Just chalk it up to prep for the baby!!! So glad you are at 10 weeks! Wow! so exciting! when is your next apt?

    1. Yup! That's what I keep saying! Tomorrow is my first OB appointment! I'm excited and nervous at the same time. :)

  4. Poor pup! Yea for 10 weeks & your first OB appt!!! One thought I had (in my over cautious style) is you probably should leave poop cleaning duties to Kevin (similar to avoiding litter boxes). Glad things are going so well.

    1. I totally would have let Kevin do it but he had already gone to work for the day. I had nowhere else to put Oscar and the thought of leaving diarrhea all over the master bathroom all day long wasn't an option for me in my mind. Plus I knew Oscar would be spending the day in there and I couldn't have him walking around in it. It was a no win situation. I'm sure I'll be okay though, but I'm ultracautious too. :)

  5. Oh, wow...bless your heart. That sounds just awful! I imagine smelling and seeing all that was horrible for morning sickness. Heck, even if you weren't pregnant, it could still be bad, I bet. I'm proud of you for conquering it, though! And I hope your dog is feeling much better now. :-)

    1. Oh it was a special treat, let me tell ya. :) I think Kevin almost puked himself and obviously he doesn't have morning sickness! LOL

      Yes, I think Oscar is feeling much better. I'm keeping a close eye on him. He can't quite be trusted....yet. :)

  6. Oh, and HAPPY TEN WEEKS!!! Yay for double digits!!

  7. Whoa. Icky. Good for you for cleaning that up! (I don't know if I could, but I suppose there would be no other choice.) Hooray for 10 weeks, though!

    1. Thanks!

      Yup, I was between a rock and a hard place. The poo had to go! :)

  8. Wow--my DH would have been screwed if our dog did that:) Great to see your updates and especially a milestone of 10 weeks!

    1. Thanks so much! Yup Kevin ended up having his own @(*#-show later that night (youll see the update) LOL. It was quite a day!

  9. Congrats on double digits!!!! Definitely good prep for good times ahead:). Congrats on your milestone!!!

  10. Ugh that does not sound like fun! Congrats on 10 weeks!

    1. Thanks! yeah, i've definitely had better days as far as the lack of dog poo is concerned! :)
