Thursday, April 3, 2014

An uneventful update

Is this really me? Am I really typing this?
I'm 22 weeks today! Really? REALLY! I'm just two weeks away from one of my most anticipated milestones - Viability Day! I am counting down the days, the hours, the minutes! I don't really have any big updates to give, so today will be a potpourri of a little bit of everything.

Other than dealing with the vomiting and nausea, I'm doing pretty good. Things are uneventful - just the way I like them to be. For the vomiting and nausea, I'm eating lots of small meals, taking my pills in the morning, and praying that I can keep my food down at night. Kevin is so sweet and actually cuts up the pieces of meat for me into tiny pieces which strangely enough makes them far more appetizing. Something about a large hunk of meat just makes my tummy turn!

Let's see, what else to share?

Sammy is on a schedule these days. She's sleeping and inactive much of the day, but starts kicking and wiggling in early afternoons and again when I go to bed at night. Her movement has become less of a swooshing sensation and much more thumps and thuds. Her sweet little baby arms, legs, and head must be bopping all around. I can't believe how lucky I am. It's a feeling I thought I'd NEVER get to experience. And in my darkest, darkest days, these feelings were the ones I felt I'd grieve the most when I thought I'd never get to be here. Yet here I am feeling them now as I type this. I couldn't be more thankful.

Oh! As you may know, I read to Sammy every morning. But sometimes I wonder if I'm really only reading to Oscar, our dog. :) I see him watching and listening intently! But while I know Sammy technically can hear, is she listening to my voice? How much can she actually hear? I'm obviously not wondering if she's comprehending what I'm reading. Duh, she's not. But I do wonder if I'm a nut for reading to her at all if she's not listening. I still do it because I like it, and Oscar does too.

Well, I got the answer to my question. The  other day Kevin's alarm clock went off and Sammy JOLTED. She's listening! It made me laugh and it gave me confidence that she really must hear my voice if she was startled by an alarm clock across the room.

I'll leave you with a belly picture from this morning.


  1. Awww! I love that you read to Sammy every morning! What a great tradition to start!

    1. Thanks! I just adore doing it. :) It's such a special time.

  2. I love your blog!

    I can really feel the love you have for Sammy in your writing. It seems everyone who gets pregnant takes it for granted even after a Journey with Infertility. Its great to see that you appreciate it her so much :)

    1. I will never ever take it for granted. I waited and prayed for so long for this moment, it is a blessing beyond comprehension. I just love her with all of my heart and more. :)

  3. Your beautiful little girl can definitely hear you :) I remember once my dog barked and my baby did a star jump! It's so cute when loud noises make babies jump when they're in your tummy lol I can't believe you're 22 weeks already! Savour every wonderful moment xx

    1. That is so funny! I'm surprised how much she must hear! Yeah, 22 weeks is just crazy! :)

  4. They do listen... DS2 would wiggle every time I hummed to DS1 when we were cuddling before bed. The first night in the hospital I hummed the same song and it calmed little DS2. :)

    1. Aww, how sweet is that?! just love it! :)

  5. You look wonderful! And I think uneventful is GREAT!

    1. Thank you! And I agree, uneventful is the best way this should go. :)
