Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Dreaming about a nursery

I had my beta yesterday, and it was <1. I was cleared to start birth control pills and can officially say I've started FET #3. Woo hoo!

Kevin and I have been talking and regardless of whether we have a baby through this FET or domestic infant adoption, I feel like we should start to prepare a nursery. I want to feel like I'm doing something. I've read different people have different opinions about if/when to do this when pursuing domestic infant adoption, and I've read many people have found it to be therapeutic. I can see it helping me too. I love home decor, I love day dreaming about our future little one, so it's the perfect opportunity to get a jump start on it. It will help keep me positive. It's not tied to any specific pregnancy or adoption match, so I don't feel like if we encounter failure, we will see this room and be sad. It's our future baby's room, and if something falls through, then the room will still be waiting for our take home baby. That's how I'm looking at it.

The room designated for the nursery is empty after we cleared it out last year of all of the "junk". I have some photography studio equipment in there now, but other than that it is a blank slate!

We've decided we are going to paint the walls gray, get white furniture and other decor as we find good deals on it, and only after we are matched will we start to add the gender specific aspects that are pink or blue. I really can't wait to get this started. We've updated pretty much every room in our home, and this will be the final one that will get some work done.

Here are some photos that might help give you the picture of the look we are going for:

Girl nursery would have light pink accents:

Boy would have blue accents:

Either way, we can get the basic stuff done so only the personalized details can be added later. And if we do find that this FET is a success, we will already be ahead of the game for the baby. Seems like a good thing to do. 


  1. Aw I like this idea! And both color schemes are lovely, so classic and clean and soothing! I'm glad you're set and ready to get started again! You're in my prayers!!

  2. Great idea! I love both the boy and girl color schemes! :)

  3. You always know how to decorate a house! I really like the grey nurseries. The past few newborn sessions I've shot have had grey nurseries and they're just so pretty and sophisticated!

    1. Thanks! I agree, grey is always so sophisticated!

  4. Aww... so beautiful! I love it.

  5. I love your idea! We too have a room that was once designated as the nursery, and then over the years became the junk room. Then it was cleared out for our homestudy, but then now it is filled with junk again. Sigh. You are giving me inspiration to start working on the nursery again. Just in case this November transfer works, and I get morning sickness. =)

    1. If you do, take pictures! For me, I think the key is doing it before we have a baby in mind or a match made because if something falls through, I'll associate the two and be sad. Right now I'm just thinking of it as our future baby. One road or another will lead us to him/her.

  6. Totally create your dream nursery. It helped SO much during out wait. Even when we were childless it made our future as parents (one way or another) so much more real. And wouldn't you know we found out about our son THE DAY he was born! Thank goodness for our nursery :)

    1. I'm so glad you commented and you have experience with this. I think it's going to be a good thing for us too!

  7. We started working on our nursery as soon as we began the adoption process. I also heard a lot of opinions on this. I am always asked why don't I wait till I get placed, or isn't it hard having it ready? It has helped us out a lot during the waiting time. I love it! It is so much fun to go buy new things for it and with how many last minute births our agency has, I'm glad I wont have to go get a bunch of last minute stuff. Our agency said it also helps when a birth mother picks a family because she likes to know where the baby is going to be.

    1. Oh I'm so glad to hear that I'm not alone in doing this!! And you speak from experience. This just solidifies our decision. I figure the sooner we get started, the better deals I'll find on stuff. You'll have to share pictures, I'd love to see!

  8. If you plan to fill that nursery, with either your FET or through adoption, I really don't see how it would hurt to do it now. In fact, from a financial standpoint, it makes a ton of sense not to do it all at once!

  9. LOVE the color scheme! Our niece as a grey nursery with pink accents and it is beautiful and tranquil! i think this is a perfect idea =)

  10. Beautiful! I love the white one the brown. So pretty!
