Tuesday, April 22, 2014

I knew I'd end up with a complication

Things have been going so well, despite some interesting symptoms in the past few months. I've been feeling lightheaded, almost-fainting, nauseated, weak, etc. I just figured it was dehydration or just some strange pregnancy quirk.

Actually, turns out it's gestational diabetes.

I got the official diagnosis yesterday. I always wondered if this would be something I'd contend with if I'd ever be so lucky to become pregnant because I have a family history of diabetes as well as an insulin resistant diagnosis from years ago. And that has now become my reality. I am not surprised, but I'm definitely not thrilled about it.

I have a nutrition consult at the hospital this morning and will be changing my diet. And funny enough, it sounds like I'm going to actually need to eat MORE because I'm not eating nearly as much or as often I should be. That will be the main challenge, but I will definitely manage. I really don't like sweets or soda, and I know so much about diabetes because of my dad's health that the knowledge part should be easy. I will do anything for this little girl!

We don't think insulin is necessary at this stage of the game and the OB thinks I'll easily be managed with diet and monitoring only. And the good news is that Sammy is growing normally and was in the 48th percentile last appointment with no problems with additional amniotic fluid, which we might see as abnormal with a GD diagnosis.

Anyway, I know I've got this and am committed to managing it! I'm looking forward to hopefully feeling a little better too.


  1. You've got this! I would imagine now knowing what you are dealing with will make you feel better. Glad to hear you have such a good outlook. Plus, healthier eating along with an already adorable baby body could equal an even more awesome and cute baby body / bump! :)

    1. Thank you so much! I'm feeling a little more negative about it today than I was yesterday, but I know I'll do okay and will follow the doctor's advice. And you're sweet!

  2. Bless your heart! So glad you found out now so that you can keep it managed. Everything's gonna be all right!! HUGS

  3. Oh what a bummer! I failed my first glucose tolerance test and I realized how much sugar is in the things we eat. I hope you post about what diet recommendations the Dr. recommends. Sorry to hear the GD diagnosis, but luckily it will most likely be gone once Sammy arrives!

    1. Yes, I will be following it to a T. I sure hope it goes away! :) But whatever it takes until she gets here, I'll do!

  4. Welcome to the wonderful world of Gestational Diabetes!! It's not a lot of sugar that is hard to stay away from, it's the carbs that get you. Like I can't eat a whole lot of pasta or my numbers skyrocket. Also french fries. Just a handful and it's bad news.

    1. Yeah I'm going to keep a close eye on it and figure out what my body will tolerate. Good thing is that I don't have cravings for pretty much anything so I won't have to fight off the urge to eat some of the "bad" things. :) Thanks for the comment!

  5. I had GD in my 2nd pregnancy....I managed to control it through diet until the last few weeks and then I just needed the oral medication once a day....the mornings were the hardest. But it really is easy to control and there are lots if things you can do to help it out....cinnamon is a natural blood sugar reducer and a 20 minute walk after every meal makes a huge difference. I'm sure you and baby will do just fine!

    1. Today is my first morning doing this and my numbers are already wonky and I still don't feel good. I really hope i can get it under control. And thank you for the tips!

  6. I'm sorry about the GD. I have no doubt you will kick it's butt.
