Thursday, April 24, 2014

Looks like I have a birth plan after all

I am 25 weeks today. Sorry, no bump picture. I was way too busy visiting the OB for an unplanned visit today. Long story short, I've been progressively been getting dizzier and dizzier and feeling all around crappy without any correlation to my blood sugar numbers. I called the OB nurse yesterday late afternoon to see if I could drink meal replacement shakes for supplementation because I'm learning that at times I am having an incredibly hard time eating solid food. That clearly presents a problem for someone with gestational diabetes who must be eating at regular intervals to maintain sugar levels. But I'm finding myself gagging and nearly vomiting with every bite. Anyway, I figured the nurse would just give me some quick advice and send me on my merry way. But instead, she said that because they want to take extra good care of me and make sure nothing serious is going on, she wanted me to come in and get a "once over" by the OB. So I saw him this morning hoping for no bad news and nothing but reassurance. And that is precisely what I got.

The OB thinks my problems may or may not be related to blood sugar, but he hears of dizziness and major food aversions from plenty of his patients and isn't worried about it one bit. All of my recent blood work looks good and I am not anemic. They also listened to Sammy's heartbeat while I was there which was right on target and reassured me I had nothing to worry about. I had my first fundal height measurement and while I know it can be inaccurate this early, she is measuring a week ahead according to it.

That's all wonderful news and helped calm the nagging worry that IF and loss has created!

And onto a separate but related topic, at my appointment last week, my OB asked me if I had put any thought into birth plan preferences. I laughed and told him I have a blog and had just posted about this exact topic. I told him I trusted him and will go with whatever he recommends. He recommends a scheduled C-section. I know many of may be gasping right now, and that's fine. Without going into a lot of detail (because I'm not planning to debate with anyone about this topic) he recommends this for us for a whole variety of reasons. I have had some time to research it, discuss with Kevin, and put some serious thought into it and I understand the implications and risks/benefits. It's something we've decided to go ahead and do. We are planning our delivery for July 29th which will be 38w5d. Unless, of course, she decides to come earlier than that on her own. Let's hope she keeps on cookin' in there!

Anyway that is our decided-upon plan. So guess what, friends? We will be meeting this little girl in just 96 days. THREE MONTHS, FIVE DAYS FROM TODAY!


  1. You should always do what is best for you and the health of both you and baby. So whether anyone agrees with it or not, it isn't really their business, you know? I'm happy you've got a plan in place and a date to expect your little sweet Sammy! I'm also happy you're ok. :)

    1. Thanks! I'm looking forward to it and am counting down the days. :)

  2. Sounds like a great plan to me. Sorry you've been feeling so icky. You are in the home stretch and I'm sure your bump is getting bigger and cuter by the day!

    1. Thank you! Yesterday I actually felt good most of the day so hopefully there's more of that in my future! You're sweet!

  3. I'm a little bit of a lurker, but have followed your journey. I have an autoimmune disease, and had a scheduled c-section with my little boy, who will be 1 in 6 days. A ton of people commented negatively to me, and I felt very guilty about not having some "perfect birth." What a bunch of bologna. My boy got here safe and alive. The c-section was beautiful - my doctor was great, and they let me have him immediately after birth, and I held him the entire time - he never left my side. And my recovery was really easy because I planned for it. I have never regretted my decision, because I have a beautiful, healthy, alive boy here with me. And that's all that matters.

    1. I am glad your boy got there safe and sound and other people should learn not to judge! So happy for you and your little one. :) Thanks for commenting!

  4. GOOD FOR YOU! I had two unwanted c-sections. However, I came out with two perfect babies. I have learned over time that that is the perfect birth, the one that brings you your sweet little one safe and matter how it happens. I completely support primary scheduled c-sections as long as it is what the mom wants. I am so amazed it is so close!

    1. You stated it perfectly! Yes, any birth is the perfect one as long as mom and baby are safe. :) Congratulations on your babies.

  5. Eeks, sorry you're not having a fun relationship with food right now :( GD sounds like the pits!

    Caleb was born at 38w5d :)

    1. Oh yeah that's right! I remember visiting you in the hospital as thought it was just yesterday!

  6. I'm sure you have made your decision for a C-section after weighing all of the facts available to you. The most important thing is to get this baby into the world safely, and of course keeping you healthy too.

  7. I'm sorry you're having a hard time with food. I can't imagine, as I LOVE food =)

    Good for you for having a birth plan, C-section and all. If it's best for the baby, it's best for you. Glad you are taking a stand and not taking any crap for what's best for you and your baby. Now that you know, you can plan accordingly.

    I'm so excited for you. I'm putting your c-section date on my calendar!

    1. Thanks for commenting and even putting it on your calendar! :) I even put a new countdown clock on the side of my blog down to the minute LOL. It's not like I'm excited or anything....;-)

      Thinking of you and your upcoming transfer!

  8. I've had two c-sections. Neither was scheduled, but the second one was without me having labored at all (long story) and I can tell you that recovery from a c-section without labor in front of it, is not too bad recovery wise. The other thing I like, is that if you have a c-section, it buys you two extra weeks of maternity leave, which was really nice for me, especially since its technically for the extra recovery time, and I felt physically recovered very quickly. Do what you gotta do! Its all going to work out fine :)

    1. Thanks for sharing your experience! I know you're right, it will all work out fine. I'm in good hands! :)

  9. Also, my little guy was born at 38 weeks, 4 days, and weighed almost 8lbs!! At 40 weeks, he probably would have been setting records! lol!
