Thursday, December 5, 2013

Beta #2 results

Beta #2 came in at 1373 which puts the doubling time of 51.6 hours! Betas start to slow down to 72-96 hours anyway as they get past 1200 so I'm happy with the results!

And the other good news is that my RE doesn't want anymore betas like I first thought. Hallelujah! She thinks two is enough. My ultrasound is scheduled for December 16 at 1pm CST. It's going to be another long wait but the prize at the end of this wait should be unimaginable. God willing, we will get to see the flicker of a tiny heartbeat.

I just want to see that little flicker that day. I have never wanted something so badly in my entire life. Please God, PLEASE let us see that tiny heartbeat.


  1. great news!!! it is going to be a long 11 days, but hang in there! and no more pee tests! just try to relax and enjoy as much as possible!! so excited for your guys!

  2. Yea! yea! yea! Doing a happy dance for you. Praise God. This is wonderful news. I thing this 2ww (waiting for the u/s) is harder is some ways. Praying for you as you wait!

  3. YES!!! This is the best news I've had ALL week!!!! Congratulations

  4. Hooray!!! Congrats on the good news!! After my loss, I was happy to wait the extra time for the ultrasound because early on you can't see much, so I was more than happy to wait so at least you can see something like the heartbeat or something that absolutely resembles a baby!!

  5. Wonderful, Liz!!! I'm so happy for you!! Will be praying for your little one(s) and your ultrasound on the 16th. -Kelly

  6. Doing a happy dance for you. So exciting!

  7. Yay yay yay!! So happy to see such a great number. I hope the next week+ goes quickly for you and that you see that beautiful heartbeat. Your story is so inspirational, and I am wishing you all the best.

    Also, I nominated you today for the Stork Award - check it out on my blog!

  8. That's awesome news! I'm hoping the next 11 days go by fast for you. *big hugs*

  9. Congratulations! What a wonderful blessing!

  10. congratulations on such amazing news! you and your husband are on cloud nine im sure! although miles apart and essentially strangers, you and i share this incredible journey almost to the day - my first ultrasound is the 13th and i pray everyday that i too will see that little flutter on the screen...... enjoy these moments as they are truly blessings for which we are eternally grateful.
    ~~ from SC

  11. Yay!!!! I'm SO happy for you! That first ultrasound will be magical! Still thinking happy thoughts for you!!

  12. I have been looking for this update! YEAH!!

  13. This is fantastic! I couldn't be happier for you.

  14. Yay! Your fortune cookie is coming true! It said "CHILDREN" and that "many successes will accompany you this year". The year is not over -- it's still only December!

    Also, I think that you should relish not being as anxious. Being anxious releases cortisol into your body. Not having cortisol will make the baby more relaxed too!

  15. Yay!!!! I'm so incredibly happy for you my friend. What wonderful news before the holidays!

  16. YES!!!! So happy for you!! Continued prayers for you, Liz!!!

  17. woohoo! :) Wonderful numbers, I'm so happy for you!

  18. Great news! You may see two heartbeats on the 26th!! My first beta was a little lower than yours, and my RE was scared we were having triplets. He actually sighed a sigh of relief when he only saw two. Good luck either way! One or two, it couldn't be a better blessing for your family. Thinking of you!
