Friday, December 27, 2013

Words beyond the grave

I was born in August. I was also my mom's firstborn. In fact, her due date was August 3rd, only three days from my due date of August 6th. I've found myself thinking about that quite a bit lately. Was my little heartbeat the sound that brought her to tears back in 1981? These thoughts give me a connection to her as I experience milestones, symptoms, etc. My mom never dealt with infertility, but I know that her calling to be a mother was one of the most important things in her life and she loved her children more than life itself. I feel an extra special connection with her now that I am pregnant and as I anxiously wait to meet our special little baby next Summer.

Last night I got home from work and I was surprised to find a box from my cousin (who has no idea I'm pregnant) waiting for me. I opened it, and couldn't believe what was inside.

My mom's journal.

I flipped it open. I realized she was writing to her future children. Me.

"I love you already and I haven't even met you and I know my life will be more complete as I meet you."

She was speaking to me beyond the grave.

I can't believe this treasure is now in my possession. I can't wait to read through it and feel like she's here with me again, only in a new light.

Thank you, mom. There's never been a doubt you're near, but moments like these definitely remind me you're watching from the other side.


  1. This brought me to tears. Beautiful.

  2. Aww! That is so sweet! It made me tear up a little.

  3. Oh my goodness, what a precious gift!!!

  4. how incredible to have this journal from her now... just- awesome.

    1. yeah, I'm blown away that I have it. Just crazy...and awesome.

  5. What an amazing gift. You are right, she is with you right now and every step of the way. This brings tears to my eyes. Just amazing!

  6. So very special. What a wonderful gift!

  7. Wow. This brought tears to my eyes. How very special. I''m so glad you found it.

    1. Me too! I can't believe I have it now. Just amazing!

  8. What an amazing gift!!! How special.

    1. Isn't it? I loved reading it so much! I wish I had more!
