Thursday, December 26, 2013

The day after Christmas

I hope everyone had a nice Christmas! We sure did. On Christmas Eve, we drove to see a big light display in a neighboring town. It was beautiful! I kept thinking how fun it will be to bring our future child(ren) there someday. I find myself thinking this about all kinds of different activities lately, and it's blissful. And when I do, it hits me that it is likely that our first born child is inside of me right now. It's still such an incredible concept. We are so in love with this baby and we can't wait to experience the world with him/her in it.

On Christmas day, Kevin helped make the elaborate dinner which was a huge help because I wasn't feeling so great physically. The symptoms are hitting me full force now, no doubt about it. That's okay though, because I wouldn't change it for the world. One of Kevin's gifts to me was a beautiful snowflake pendant with a blue diamond in the center. Isn't it beautiful?

As far as pregnancy symptoms go, I have been experiencing a lot more nausea. It started Sunday after we went to brunch and hasn't really let up. I have nausea if I don't eat, and sometimes nausea after I eat. Nothing has brought me to throw up yet, but I've definitely been to the point of gagging. I have mostly food aversions, and no cravings to speak of, because very little sounds good to me. Well, the things that do sound good to me contain gluten which I can't eat lol! I'm forcing myself to eat cottage cheese and rice crackers, and a green smoothie when I first get up to kick start my day and it helps me a lot. I just look at it as fueling my body. I am very fatigued and go to bed early any opportunity I can find. I'll still get occasional sharp cramps here and there as I assume the uterus stretches. But no bleeding, which is great. I am thrilled to be experiencing any part of a healthy pregnancy I can get - the good, the bad, and the ugly. I'm incredibly grateful and none of this is complaining, just documenting what is going on with me!

I'll leave you with a picture of our dog, Oscar, enjoying his new bone that Santa Paws brought him for Christmas. Someday Santa CLAUS will be visiting our home and spoiling our two legged loved ones. :) Someday soon!


  1. So glad you had a nice day and are doing well!!

  2. What a beautiful necklace! So excited for all that God has in store for you. 2014 will be a blessed year for you and hubby. Hugs!

  3. Beautiful necklace! Merry Christmas!!
    I secretly wanted the pregnancy symptoms, and when I threw up after everything I ate, I smiled a little bit because I knew my LO was growing strong and healthy!! I love your attitude, and can't wait to continue to follow you on this journey!

    1. Yup, that's exactly how I feel. The symptoms are awFUL and aweSOME all at the same time. :) Thanks for being such a sweet support to me!

  4. What a beautiful present!! Wishing you guys the most amazing 2014!

  5. What a beautiful present! Merry Christmas!

  6. Love the gift!!!!

    All day nausea/afternoon nausea is what I used to have...Zofran can be amazing, but beware of the side effects!
    And, I used to keep a shot glass by the fridge and I would make myself take a shot of naked juice several times a day.

    Hang in there! Yaaaaaaay for pregnancy symptoms!

    1. I have Zofran in my possession, but I haven't felt like it's been bad enough to take one yet. Also, I am worried about those side effects. ;-) Lainey, you are so sweet to be so supportive of us!

      And juice is a good idea!

  7. What a beautiful necklace! :) Glad you had a wonderful Christmas!

    And yay for symptoms! Isn't it amazing how feeling kinda crappy makes us happy?? If it's helpful at all, I craved carbs throughout pretty much my entire pregnancy... I ate lots of GF pasta etc. Let me know if you want some GF food recommendations. :)

    1. YES PLEASE! I'm dying not knowing what to eat! I'd love that! :) Thank you!

  8. Glad you had a great Christmas. The necklace is beautiful!
