Monday, December 30, 2013

Graduation day!

I graduated from my RE today. Dang. Did I just say that? Unreal. The RE has been such an intertwined part of my life for over two years. Now (dare I say it) I'm just a regular ol' pregnant lady! I couldn't be happier to be just a regular ol' pregnant anybody!

Our final RE appointment went great. Baby looks perfect and had a strong heartbeat of 183bpm. He/she still looks like a blob with a yolk sac, but the nurse did point out the little leg nubs this time. So adorable! I can't wait to squeeze those chunky baby thighs someday. Ah, I melt just thinking about it! I really can't wait until this baby starts taking the shape of a baby. Maybe he/she will at our first appointment with the OB next Thursday, which will put me at 10w1d.

I've found myself going to my ultrasounds with only a slight feeling of anxiety. I'm trying to put blinders on when it comes to Dr Google, or even knowing what to expect at these appointments. I'm just going with what the doctor tells me and it's keeping my anxiety to a minimum, which has been great. With pregnancy/miscarriage #1, I lived on Dr Google. I spent so much time learning anything and everything there was about betas, blighted ovums, miscarriages, ectopics, etc. It was a desperate attempt to feel like I had some control, when obviously I did not. And in the end, it just made me so full of fear and anxiety. I couldn't shut it off. I've learned that while information can be power, too much information can be detrimental to mental health. There's a fine balance.

I'm so glad this is still going well, and I still can't believe I am at this point. We are overjoyed.


  1. Beautiful!! Wishing you guys nothing but the best!! Happy New Year indeed! <3

  2. So happy for you!! And so encouraged to know that there is hope for peace at appointments after loss. Can't remember how I stumbled on your blog, but I'm enjoying following your journey! Thank you for sharing!! Praying for continued peace for you!

    1. I never would have thought so, but I really am finding my anxiety is so much less than I had imagined. there IS hope! On a scale from 1-10, it's about a 3. But I'm purposely shielding myself from all of the bad outcomes that might happen by reading about them online. Ignorance is bliss, I guess you could say. Thanks for reading and commenting!

  3. Sooo so happy for you! You deserve it!

  4. SO exciting!! I remember when I graduated to my OB, it was bitter/sweet, and I cried in front of our RE, so I definitely understand that feeling! Thankfully, I love my OB and she knows what we went through and is super sensitive and sweet!! I hope these next 7 months or so are just what you have dreamed of!! Soak up every little bit of it, because it really does fly by!!

    1. Aww, it really is bittersweet. Amazing to be moving on, but a little hard to say goodbye too. Thanks for being so supportive and sweet. Have a wonderful new year, Monica!

  5. YAY! Congrats on graduating and being a normal PG lady!!

    1. Thanks! I bet your graduation date is around the corner too, right? :)

  6. Happy graduation!!!! So exciting!!!

  7. Congratulations on graduating to being a normal pregnant lady!! It's such a great feeling, isn't it?

    I definitely think the baby will look more baby like at your next appointment, and by 14 weeks if you do a NT, it will really look like a baby!! I am so happy for you and excited that we are experiencing pregnancy at the same time! :) I thank God for our donor every day for giving us the opportunity to be parents...

    1. Such a good feeling!!!! I am excited for this too, who would have thought? I also am so grateful for our donors. So amazing that we found them and this is really happening. We are so blessed!

  8. Congrats on graduating! You got yourself a lil' gummi bear in there :)

  9. Wow! I'm SO excited for you and Kevin!! You deserve this so much and I know your LO will be perfect in every way!

    1. Thanks so much! I'm thinking of you and wishing you luck with your cycle too!

  10. Congrats!!! I'm so excited for you!!!!

    1. Thanks!!! I'm excited for you too! I hope you start feeling better soon. I think about you often!

  11. Yay for graduating! And you have a very beautiful little blob there. :)

  12. I had my first sonogram with my second son right around 10 weeks. He looked like a little teddy graham! Definitely arms and legs and he was a wiggle worm even then! I betcha your baby will be looking very baby like when you go back! :)

    1. Aww! Teddy graham! So cute! I sure hope we get to see something great next Thursday! :) Thanks for commenting!

  13. Replies
    1. LOL thanks! I think so too! I hope you are well!

  14. I'm so glad you have been able to focus on the positive and are doing a great job of blocking out the worry. Doesn't mean it's not there, but it sounds like you are at least being able to enjoy this pregnancy!
