Sunday, November 17, 2013

2013 hanging on the tree

Every year since Kevin and I have been married, we've made a point to get a special ornament to put on our miniature "keepsake tree" in our family room. Each ornament on this special little tree represents something important that happened to us that particular year. At first, I jokingly said it should be a PIO syringe. Ha! But yesterday, I found two beautiful ornaments at Hobby Lobby that seemed very fitting for 2013.
The snowflake-strand ornament on the left represents the three frozen embryo transfers. And the ornament on the right is an angel inside of a snowflake globe which represents our beloved snowflake babies who were born straight to heaven.

I'll leave you with a Christmas serenade from our dog, Oscar.

Yeah, I know. I'm laying the Christmas stuff on thick right now. We are enjoying ourselves, so why not? :) If nothing else, it's keeping me distracted.


  1. Beautiful ornaments and a beautiful serenade from Oscar! All your Christmas posts are getting me in a Christmas-y mood. :) I might even put my decor up next week since I'll be OOT for Thanksgiving anyway!

    1. Thanks! Oscar practiced for that masterpiece. ;-) and you should get stuff out! post pics! :)

  2. Oscar is so cute!!! I love the ornaments & your blog!

  3. I think you found some very special ornaments. I think I will try to find something from TN/Knoxville for our Christmas tree this year.

    1. I agree, they definitely fit what most of this year was about for us. I hope you find something perfect for your Christmas tree and that you'll share a picture of it once you do. Good luck! Thinking of you!

  4. Those are just beautiful! So perfect!

  5. Beautiful ornaments and such a cute dog! Distraction is always the key. :)

    1. Thank you. :) I agree, distraction is a wonderful thing.
