Friday, November 22, 2013

What's the deal with these hot flashes?

I'm 3dp6dt and I'm experiencing crazy hot flashes this morning. I feel like I could fry an egg on my forehead and am dripping in sweat! Could this be a good sign? A bad sign? No sign at all? It's playing tricks on me because I think back to last cycle where I had insane hot flashes the day before I learned of my BFP. Could this be my body's way of handling implantation? Or is it a coincidence? This morning I even decided to walk outside in my skimpy nightgown to let the 25mph icy winds blow on me just to find a little relief! Ahh, it felt so nice!

Anyone have hot flash stories that ultimately related to getting good news? No news? Bad news? Give it to me straight!


  1. I don't have any advice at all, but I'm crossing my fingers that it means good news!

  2. Thanks for stopping by! And that hot flash quote is hilarious. Hoping your hot flashes are a great sign!

  3. Sorry but it's the drugs. It is not a pregnancy symptom. But it dosent mean you aren't pregnant! It just dosent mean you are.

  4. I am hoping that your hot flashes mean it's going to be a BFP!!! **good thoughts going to you**

    1. Me too! The wait is killlllling me already!

  5. I got hot flashes when I was pregnant, it was one of my only early symptom and lasted pretty much until the second trimester. And I wasn't on any drugs!

  6. I did not have hot flashes with my BFN, but I had them horribly with this pregnancy. Even before my BFP. I wanted to strip naked in the middle of the grocery store they were so bad!! lol
    I hope that it is a great sign!!!

    1. LOL I remember you saying that! The odd thing about these hot flashes are that they are SUPER intense, they last for like 20 minutes at a time, and then afterwords I'm cold. This never happened on PIO, estrace, or anything else except the last time I actually was pregnant. A girl can hope, right? :) :) :)

  7. I only have gotten got flashes with my pregnancies! So hoping this is a sign for you!! Fingers crossed!

  8. I really hope this is a good sign for you! From the other posts here, it sure sounds like it. EEEEEK! FX!!

    Mel @

  9. During both of my pregnancies, hot flashes were my first symptom. Really, really hoping its the same for you!

    1. Ahhh!! I really hope so too! Thanks for commenting!

  10. You can blame the hormones.....sounds like some of yours are surging. I got the night sweats a lot when pregnant and nursing! I really hope this is a great sign for you!

    1. Yup, hormones are definitely surging. Whether its due to a snuggling snowflake or medication, I guess time will tell. :)

  11. funny.... for 2 days i forced my husband to check my forehead 100x to see if he thought i had a fever...very weird since im usually the one around here who is always cold! but, these flashes for sure are a sign....a sign that the meds are working and possibly a sign that your body is responding to um, something...yes, pregnancy! of course, you wont know for sure until the beta (forever i know) but until then just i laugh along with the symptom knowing that it is SOMETHING! oh and by the way....turns out i did not have a fever....instead a BFP. sending good sticky snowflake vibes your way from SC......

    1. So funny! I hope I have the same outcome!!!

  12. Estrace did that to me. Are you still on it? Of course, I was really hot all during my pregnancy, just not in flashes. Prayers!

    1. I am still on estrace, but this kind of hot flash seems really unique than the rest I've had while on e2. It's markedly different - I sure hope this is it!

  13. Hot flashes with both pregnancies for hopefully it's a sign of good things!

  14. I know it can just be a side effect of the drugs, but I had hot flashes from about two days before my BFP until about a week after the kiddo got here and that was getting pregnant without meds, so hopefully, it's a good sign for you.

    1. Oooh I hope this is the case for me too!! Thanks for commenting!

  15. I never had hot flashes after transfers, but sweating at night was a bad sign for me. Reading the other comments it sounds promising though. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!
