Wednesday, November 27, 2013

First weekly milestone

Today marks my first weekly milestone. I'm 4w0d pregnant!

A few of you have asked me about symptoms so far so I figured I'd post about that today. I obviously can't be sure what is a pregnancy symptom vs PIO, but here's what's going on with me.

Gum Swelling: This started at about 3dpt. I could start to feel my gums swell around just around one tooth on the bottom left side of my mouth. I thought that was a little unusual and wondered if it might mean I was pregnant. Now I feel swelling above a tooth on the top left so the swelling is isolated and seems to move around my mouth.

Hot flashes: These aren't as intense as they were at 3dpt, but I'll just start sweating from head to toe out of the blue. I will feel like I need to step into a freezer for relief! I'll get mild ones here and there, but the intense ones for me seemed to happen mainly around implantation.

Cramps: I've had all kinds of feelings going on in there that seem to change day by day. Sensations have gone from a feeling of fullness (hard to describe), sharp cramping, dull cramping, twinges, pulling, tickling, stretching, and even a feeling like something was tugging on my bladder! This morning I have a much more dull and constant period-like cramping.

Tender Breasts: I had this symptom really strong from 3dpt to 5dpt and now it's lessened a bit. When I realized it was subsiding, it scared the life out of me, but I understand it's normal for symptoms to come and go. I had tender breasts with my first pregnancy, and somewhat with my second, but neither compared to the intensity I've had on this one.

Nausea: I've had two bouts of nausea over the past few days.

Constipation: This has been extremely prominent! PIO is notorious for causing this on it's own, and I'm on 2mL daily which is twice the amount most people take. Pregnancy can cause this as well, so put the two together and you're where I am at! I'm taking Colace and trying to get as much fiber as I can but I think this one is going to be an uphill battle.

Fatigue: I've found myself falling asleep almost the moment my head hits the pillow at night which is unusual. I end up getting a good night's sleep and end up waking up super early! Even with 8+ hours of sleep, my eyes burn while I'm at work and I feel like I need to close them and doze off. But of course I can't do that.

Heightened sense of smell: This one is borderline. I can't tell if it's in my head or not, but I'm feeling extra sensitive to at least perfumes. I've noticed myself thinking "Whoa, that lady's perfume is strong" on WAY more occasions this week than I usually do, which either means lots of ladies around me are wearing strong perfume lately (unlikely) or I'm noticing it more because my sense of smell is heightened.

Nasal congestion: My nose started being stuffy about 4dpt and hasn't let up. Breathe right strips are my best friend!

Headache: I have a mild, constant headache. I think it may be related to the fact I'm congested and can't use any nasal decongestant sprays. Or maybe it's a headache all on it's own. Who knows? But it's there.

Eye twitching: This is a weird one, but my eye has been twitching a LOT since the day before my BFP! This happened with my first pregnancy. It also started the day before that BFP and lasted until about a week after my D&C. I can't help but assume it's related even though it's bizarre.

By no means is any of this complaining. As I stand back and think about it, I find it fascinating and beautiful that something so tiny can make my body know it's presence. I'll take all of it and then some if it means I get to hold one or both of these babies in my arms someday!


  1. First time commenter here, but I wanted to agree that yes, our bodies do weird things when we're pregnant! It can seriously change day to day. So even though I know it's hard, try not to let the absence (or presence of things like cramps) get to you! Women's bodies are so fascinating when we're making tiny creatures.

    I've been following from your first BFP and I feel like this time is different and it's going to be a success!

    1. Thanks for commenting! I appreciate the reassurance and kind words!! :)

  2. I love love love your outlook on it!! So happy for you to be able to experience all these things:)

  3. Congratulations on your pregnancy! So so so happy for you :) I got a lot of hot flashes in the first trimester. They are starting to slow down now, but I still get them sometimes.

    Can't wait to see how many you've got in there! ;)

  4. I am so happy for you! Yes...the eye twitching thing happened to me before I got my BFP in June. I thought it was a weird symptom too. So many symptoms so soon sounds like you've got a couple of sticky beans with you. YAY!!

    Mel @

    1. Ah! How funny! Everyone I told about it in my first pregnancy thought I was crazy. It's funny that you had it too! :)

  5. Pregnancy is the most wonderfully uncomfortable experience! Hope you have a satisfyingly-icky-pregnancy-symptom filled Thanksgiving ;-) Thanks for sharing with us!

  6. Checking in on you every day! You're always in my thoughts and prayers! Have a wonderful thanksgiving! :)

  7. I too am amazed that such a little baby can do so much. My major symptom is fatigue. I feel like I haven't gotten any sleep in a week and a half!!

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. We sure have a lot to be thankful for this year!!!!!

    1. I hope the fatigue passes for you! I'm very thankful too!

  8. Amazing how something so tiny can make us feel so much. Our bodies are absolutely amazing. It's hard to comprehend that we actually GROW our babies. It's a pretty incredible miracle.

    1. It really is amazing!!! I'm so blessed to get to experience it. I will never take any of it for granted. :)
