Monday, January 21, 2013

C'mon, body! It's game time! Cooperate, for cryin' out loud!

I guess things were just going a little too well with my cycle and it was bound to hit a hiccup. Even though I was given the green light on Friday after my ultrasound and blood work to lower my Lupron and start Estrace on Saturday, I told them I was crampy and expected it to be soon (but I didn't know for sure!) Yet no one told me how important it was that I actually started my period before starting Estrace. They gave me the green light and said to go along with the calendar.

So as instructed, Saturday I lowered my Lupron to 5units and started with a 2mg Estrace pill in the morning. When I still didn't have my period by about 2pm that day, the logic inside of me wondered if it might cause an issue with building new lining on top of old and emailed the on-call nurse to make sure I was okay. She talked to the RE and told me to up my Lupron back to 10 units and stop the Estrace immediately. She told me to give myself another 5 units of Lupron right away and come in for an ultrasound on Monday (today) to see what is going on. The RE says it's important that at least some of the lining sheds before building a new one. Yeah, makes sense! But I really wish they would have told me that on Friday instead of saying "you're good to continue on with the calendar plan!" Oh well, what can ya do?

Even though I'm frustrated with the situation, I'm even more frustrated with my body because I have had all kinds of cramps and been 110% positive that when I'd go check on it, I'd find that my period was here, yet..... nothing. C'mon, body! Cooperate! It's game time! Get off the couch! It's time to do your job!

And the least of my worries, yet of course in the back of my mind, I think about this causing a delay for our transfer which I am sure is entirely possible. I will ask about that this morning after my appointment which is at 8am.

I'll post a blog later today and let you know how it goes. Thanks for listening.


  1. That is frustrating for sure...I hope your u/s still looks the way they want it to for your transfer date. I so hope they don't have to postpone it - for your and babies' sake!

    1. Thanks, I just posted an update. I guess I'll find out if my FET will be delayed later today. Fingers crossed! Thanks for the comment. :)

  2. How frustrating! I hope and pray that everything works out and you are able to go through the transfer as planned. At least you did catch it! Even if your RE didn't.

    1. Yeah I'm annoyed that I was the one to catch it! Grr! But good news is, my period finally started! Yipee! Now just waiting for the results of my blood work from this morning to see if we are officially delayed or not. Fingers crossed. It's going to be a multiple-blog-post kind of day with all of the updates lol. :)

  3. I feel very frustrated for you. Our drug plans ar ethe same and on my sheet it said "DO NOT GO BACK ON ESTRACE UNTIL YOU HAVE STARTED YOUR PERIOD" so it was super clear. Wish they would have done the same for you! Glad you got it figured out quickly!!! Good news is that you don't need to sync your cycle up with anyone else, so if you get off by a day your transfer can be a day later without needing to mess with a donors schedule!

    1. What the heck? They should have that written that on my calendar or something! And you're totally right, I'm glad I don't have to sync up with anyone else. That would be even more of a giant headache! I hope you don't run into any hiccups with your cycle.

  4. I know how frustrating it can be with less than desirable communication from your clinic. It's so funny how many times we have wished our period not to come and then the one time we want it, it's late!!

    1. Exactly! Every time it needs to stay away, like vacations, there it is. But when it reaaaaaaally's nowhere to be found. Go figure. :)
