Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Meet my attention-needing newborn, Blackberry

I haven't been feeling very good since starting Estrace three times a day. It's been a fun mix of nausea, lethargy, nausea, insomnia, nausea and it's been progressively getting worse the longer I take it. It sucks, but I am taking it as a good sign that it's working and building my lining up like it's supposed to. I'll find out on Friday. Fingers crossed!

Today, I need to vent a little bit. I'm exhausted. Just plain exhausted.

I'm on-call for work again which happens every six weeks for a duration of one week. When I'm on call, I have to carry my Blackberry around with me everywhere I go and keep it next to my bed at night because if I get a call that there's a technology problem in our corporate environment, I have to deal with it right away. Usually these problems mean I have to dial into a conference call where the issue is thoroughly troubleshooted through resolution. This usually takes at least an hour but usually more. Sounds like a blast right? Oooooooh it sure is.

When I'm on-call, getting calls in the middle of the night is a regular occurrence, but last night deserved an award. I got THREE calls! One lasting over two hours. But this time, we added a few special ingredients to the magic - nausea! Dry Heaving! Stomach ailments! I was bent over a bucket dry heaving in between talking on the conference call. The word "miserable" doesn't even come close to describing the situation. I ended up having to sleep in our guest room because I was afraid I'd disturb my husband. It turns out I did and he volunteered to sleep upstairs tonight and possibly for the rest of the week. I don't blame him and it's probably for the best.

I really hope tonight is better and I can make it through the rest of this week in one piece. I got probably two hours of sleep total last night and it was that crappy half-awake kind of sleep. I'm sipping on my half-caff coffee right now. I have been really good at limiting my caffeine intake even though my RE says one cup or regular coffee is fine a day. Today I just won't make it alive and on the other side without it.

But in my delirious state on my second conference call, I got to thinking, Maybe this is training for when we have a newborn? Ha! Yes!

I'm awakened in the middle of the night multiple times to the cries...err rings....of my Blackberry for late night feedings, err meetings. I have to get up and give it the attention it needs on the spot with no regard to my need for sleep. Once the baby is back to sleeping (i.e. issue is resolved) back to bed for me only to keep a keen ear out for more cries...err rings.

I'm trying to look on the bright side. And that's the best I could come up with. :)


  1. That's a great way to look at it :)

    Sorry about the estrace! It made me sick, too.

    1. I find if I keep food in my stomach it helps. But its hard to be snacking at 3am lol! :)

  2. Oh I'm sorry. That doesn't sound like fun. I never had any problems with the Estrace, so I guess I was lucky in that regard. Hopefully it all pays off for you!!

    1. Thank you. I didn't expect these side effects but I don't think it's the Lupron since I've been on it twice now and never had anything like it. Who knows though? Thanks for commenting. :)

  3. As I was reading this I was thinking "I wonder if she will laugh if I just tell her that this is training for a newborn" but you were way ahead of me! Yes, I imagine this is exactly what it will be like! But it won't be just 1 out of every 6 weeks! ;-) At least your baby will coo and smile and cuddle you back tho, unlike the BB!

    1. LOL, yup. I will have quite a love for a real baby. I definitely can't say that for my blackberry!

  4. This is really funny. Estrace made me really sleepy. I just found your blog today. I have an almost 19 month old son through embryo adoption. I'll add you blog to my embryo adoption list on my blog!

    1. Estrace made me really sleepy too the first couple of days. It's been a rollercoaster kind of medication. :)
      Congrats on your son and thank you for adding me to your list!

  5. oh my goodness! I was thinking the same things about a newborn except with them at least you get the cuddly, soft, warm loving feeling that you don't QUITE get with a Blackberry... Good luck! Sorry you are feeling so yucky!

    1. Indeed that is the truth! My blackberry is the last thing from cuddly lol. Thanks for the commend. :)

  6. hope you get some sleep tonight!

    1. Thanks, Julia! So far, just one call a night which is better than three. :-D Can't wait until it's all over on Sunday night.

  7. Ugh. I've been the disturbed sleeping spouse when my husband has been on call, and it's no fun! That's a good way to look at it, though... training for a newborn! :) That's how we feel about our cat Zeus, who wakes us up at least once every night. For the last four years! Love him to pieces, but he's kind of a brat!

    I hope it's gone easier for you since then, and you've been able to get some rest! And I hope all those symptoms at least come with a nice juicy ute! FX!

    1. Lol yup, training for a newborn. Thanks for the kind words, and hopefully Zeus will let you get some sleep here and there.

      FX for a nice juicy ute. You crack me up!
