Monday, January 28, 2013

The "what ifs" are starting to hit me

We have an ultrasound and lab work appointment scheduled for Friday, Feb 1st. This is the appointment that should tell us if everything looks good to proceed with the transfer scheduled for February 11.

So many "what ifs" are already running through my mind especially after remembering each of the negative and traumatizing IVF monitoring appointments last summer:

What if I'm not responding to the Estrace?
What if my lining is too thin?
What if my lining is too thick?
What if I'm not suppressed enough and I ovulate on my own?
What if they cancel us?
What if I'm getting my hopes up for them just to be shot down again like this summer?? Ahh!

I'm starting to getting really nervous! Our IVF cycle was destined for doom. Logic tells me this cycle should be just fine, but I'm still having a hard time escaping these thoughts because of how hard our IVF was for us.

Then if I really let my mind get the best of me, I fast forward to Feb 11th.
My biggest "what if" is...

What if our five precious snowflakes don't survive the thaw? 

This one terrifies me beyond comprehension.

Thanks for listening to me worry aloud.


  1. Worrying is natural... but God wants us to hand off our worries onto Him. I know (I've been there!) that it's hard... but pray! Read the Bible! There are such great promises in there :)

    Godspeed and prayers!

  2. Take one step at a time! Otherwise, it's too much stress and worry. You'll make yourself crazy.
    Best wishes!!!!

    1. Ahhh, I know with my brain that this is true. Yet I can't seem to shake it. I hope I feel better tomorrow. :)

  3. Worrying is natural. We are all here rooting for you!

    1. I know you're right. I appreciate the support SO MUCH!

  4. We are here to support you through all your worries! Hoping all goes well!

    1. Thank you so much! I appreciate the support more than you could ever know. :) It means a lot!

  5. ugh I am right where you are. What if my lining is too thin? What if it is too think? What if the donor does not have enough follcileS? what if she has too many? what is we get in a car accident on the way to the clinic? what is we have a low fertilization rate? what if we do a day 3 transfer? what if i dont get pregnant?! This is a tough time. I think we just have to remind ourselves that our worries are natural. It is normal to have anxiety after all of this! Hugs!

    1. Yes, the what ifs are crazy. I'll hold your hand if you hold mine!!!!!

  6. I remember having these same worries when we were going thru the embryo adoption process. Try to focus on the exciting things that will hopefully come and not on the sad things that may not. Easier said than done though...I know! ;)

    1. You're 110% right. I just need to remember that other people have been through the same thing, had the same fears, and now have their baby(ies) in their arms despite it all. :)

  7. I think these feelings are only natural.I had these also. This is what worked for me.I stopped my insanity and prayed daily for God to help me along and to get through these times.I did become calmer for this was my last attempt.Whatever my outcome I would be at peace with it.May God bless you during these last few tests and for a wonderful transfer and outcome.We have all been on this journey for long enough.Want to send encouraging thoughts your way.Don't stop believing....

    1. Thank you for reminding me of this. I appreciate the support and prayers.

  8. I think your feelings are completely normal and rational (given these circumstances!) Just think of how many of us are thinking and praying for you too! You are not alone in this! Keep thinking positive thoughts =)

    1. I think you're right. I bounce back and forth between KNOWING this is going to work, to then being terrified of the absolute worse. You're right - I have so many people thinking and praying for us. If I put you all in a room, I'll bet it would be quite the sight to see. It means so much to me!

  9. *hugs* there are so many "what ifs," try not to drive yourself crazy! Easier said than done, I know. But, you've got lots of people in your corner, cheering you on. :) Watching to make sure those "what ifs" never happen!

    And I promise not to say I told you so when they don't! ;)

    1. Aww, thanks Meg. I appreciate the support so much! I can't wait for you to say I told you so. :)
