Monday, January 21, 2013

I guess my uterus reads my blog

Blog post number two for the day.

My uterus must read my blog because literally within about two minutes after I posted this morning's rant telling my body to get with the did! I finally started my period. Thanks, uterus! Don't upset your BFF Liz like that again, okay? ;)

I immediately called the RE nurse and told her it had started to see if she still needed me to come in for my ultrasound and lab work. She said that indeed, I did so I make the trek downtown and found that and my lining went from a 7 on Friday to now being a 5 today. We are definitely headed in the right direction. They want to see it at around a 1 or 2 but according to the nurse, more of this hinges on the lab work results. They drew my blood and should get the results back pretty quickly since I was their only blood draw from Austin today and the courier picked it up right after I left.

Based on the lining decrease, she had me lower my Lupron dose back to 5 units for and will call me later with the blood results. Depending on what they are I may start Estrace back up tonight after all. I asked her if she thought this will delay my transfer date, and she said she will have a better idea after the blood work comes back. I'll post a third post once I know what those results are.

While most of that is looking promising, I did want to vent a teeny bit about my appointment this morning: While the nurse was drawing my blood, she and the other nurse were in a  chatty conversation with one another about baby showers. They were each giving accounts of their baby showers for each of their children, and from the sounds of it, each had at least three. They talked about what the showers were like, and what they got as gifts. One was even complaining because she received six high-chairs at her baby shower for her youngest! I'm not trying to be Mrs Bitter Infertile here, and I'm mean it when I say I'm really trying hard not to be overly-sensitive to these kinds of things. But that kind of stuff just stings bad - especially hearing any level of complaining over it. And you'd think that the nurses at a fertility clinic would know automatically to be more sensitive, if not be trained specifically to be more sensitive. But instead, they went on and on right in front of me as I'm having my blood drawn for a cycle that only gives us hope at a child. We've been through hell on our journey, as most of their patients I am sure have been too. I'm trying to shake it, but it did kind of upset me. Oh well, glad to be home.

Thank goodness I don't have to work today, gives me more time to blog about these twists and turns.


  1. So glad things are starting to smooth out for you. I look forward to hearing about your transfer! I hate those chatty nurses. I remember after our IVF cycle they wanted us to do a second blood test just to be sure we didn't have a late implantation. The nurse that took my blood work was 8 months pregnant and started talking to me about how tired she was. Then she asked me if I was pregnant and if I was excited yada yada. I do not know how God gave me the strength to make it through that, but he did.

    1. Thank you! That would have stunk so bad to have that kind of conversation with a pregnant nurse. I just shake my head when ANYONE at a fertility clinic doesn't automatically know that certain conversations should just be off limits around/to patients. I'm glad you made it through it, especially on such a hard day. :(

  2. I can't believe those nurses! I mean, I just can't understant how insensitive some people can be. I'm sorry you had to go though that.

    Looks like your period came in the nick of time. It does kind of make me nervous when I have to find things out for myself. I guess I don't know what I was expecting when I starting going to the RE. Maybe loads of new information with lots of explanation. Unfortunately, I am the one doing my research and asking questions and hoping all the important stuff gets asked. It's frustrating. Can't wait to read your update. Here from ICLW.

    1. Thanks for stopping by from ICLW! Yeah, thank goodness my uterus got the memo and got with the program just in the nick of time! :)

      I'm glad you're being your own advocate, despite being in the care of an RE. There is so much information out there, but you will always be your number one priority, and that's not always the case for our doctors. They just have too many patients to make every single one their priority. Wishing you lots of luck in your journey.

  3. Hi from ICLW. Yikes! Those nurses need some sensitivity training. I know we have one really insensitive creature at my clinic. But what does bother me is when the patients bring in their friends that just happen to bring with them their infants too. Just rub it in already will you.

    1. Oh I know! You'd think people would think it through, but so often times they don't. :(

  4. Glad that uterus got the message!!! Were those nurses at a regular clinic, or specifically your fertility office? If it was in your RE's office, I would let you manager know. That might have bugged you, but think how much it could rock a woman who is not as stable as you!

    1. Yes, it was at my fertility clinic! Can you believe it? That's what made it even more upsetting, they definitely should know better. You're 110% right about me being in a place that could handle it, but some other poor woman might not be. I am going to write the nurse manager a quick note letting her know that it's important for them to be more aware of their conversations in front of patients. It's life a knife to the heart for many. Luckily, I feel much better now, but imagine a poor woman going in for beta draws (to make sure it's completely gone) after a miscarriage or something? I can't imagine the pain dealing with that and listening to someone yap about how many high chairs they got for their third child's baby shower.

  5. OMG I can't believe the nurses would do that!!! I try not to be an overly-sensitive IVFer either, but I would definitely have been hurt by that. At the end of your cycle (especially if it is a success and you don't have to go back) I would totally say something!

    1. Yeah, it's crazy! I think I'm going to send a nice note to the nurse manager and just ask in general that she make sure all of their nurses be a little more aware of their conversations around patients. I'm glad I was in a pretty good state of mind, but imagine someone else who might be in a much darker place hearing that. It would be terrible. :(

  6. Yay for moving forward!!
    But, yes, please send a note to the nurse manager. First of all, they shouldn't be talking to each other when you're in the room - that's unprofessional! But that nature of that conversation is highly inappropriate! Especially at a fertility clinic - they should know better!!! Consider it a gift to future patients!

  7. I wholeheartedly agree! :) Thanks for the support :)

  8. Glad your period showed up! And as for the nurses, I would write a letter to the RE to address this. I don't care where you are in the infertility journey, that would be hard to hear.

    1. Thanks, Jess. And definitely! I'm planning to draft something up today after putting some thought around what to say.
