Saturday, January 19, 2013

It's like $10,000 fell out of the sky

I got a call yesterday from the billing person at my prior RE's office. She had some good news. She said that my insurance had changed this year to now include a $10k lifetime IVF/meds infertility benefit.


I nearly fell out of my chair. This blew my mind because I checked during open enrollment last year and was told we only had testing coverage again. I was incredibly skeptical of this news, but after I hung up with her I looked up our detailed summary plan description on our company's benefits site, and sure enough she was right. It was as though the heavens had opened up and $10k started raining out. Unbelievable.

I called my current RE and asked how to handle since we had already paid for our fees out of pocket. They said they will be submitting the claim to insurance and once it's processed they will issue a refund. We still have to meet a $2500 deductible and pay 15% co-insurance after that, but holy crap, people. This is huge. I spent countless hours on the phone with my insurance last year fighting claims and dealing with insurance headaches since we had only testing coverage. It is incredible to think it might be a little easier for us this year. I pray that there are no hiccups because of the fact we are using donor embryos, but the billing person didn't think so. What a blessing!

Our baseline ultrasound and blood work appointment went great yesterday. We are still on-track and I started Estradiol today. Each day is one day closer!


  1. Hi-My husband and I have 19 month old boy/girl twins whom we adopted as frozen embryos. Visit our blog if you care to read more about our story!
    I'm looking forward to following yours. :)

    1. How incredible! I am reading your blog right now and just added you to my blog roll. Your children are absolutely beautiful. I love success stories. :) Thanks for following my story and commenting!

  2. Wow! That's amazing!!!!
    God really does provide in miraculous ways. I don't know of anybody that has that awesome of an insurance benefit. What a blessing!!!

    1. I know! I am absolutely stunned! God is amazing, we are so blessed.

  3. Well that is so so exciting!!! I am very happy for you! We had issues with our insurance due to the DE, I appealed and they changed the decision. They still wont cover the donor costs, but they will cover anything that happens to me and my body, including the $5000 transfer and the drugs! So, if you have issues and want me to send you a copy our our successful appeal letter, let me know! email me at nogoodeggs at gmail dot com.

    1. I have a feeling I may run into issues because I am wondering if they might need me to "prove" my infertility somehow and I know they usually want to see 3 IUIs before paying for IVF procedures. IUIs are useless for me, even though we did do one. I may take you up on that letter if I run into any issues! Thank you!

  4. OMG! That is fabulous news! I'm so excited for you!!!

  5. Whoohoo! That is AWESOME news! As far as I know insurance companies don't usually care where the embryos come from so as someone else said they SHOULD cover you using them and anything that you need done to your body. So happy for you! Good luck!

    1. Thanks, Vicky! That is a relief to hear. I think you're right and that's what I'm reading everywhere else. I'm crossing my fingers that I don't run into any other expected hiccups with insurance coverage and it's easy peasy getting them to cover it. :)

  6. That is AWESOME!!!!!! What amazing news. YAY for you!!!

  7. That is amazing news! 2013 seems to be off to a great starts :)

  8. Hello from ICLW! That is awesome news!!! Here in Oregon insurance companies dont cover IF. I think its BS! So happy to hear that some states do! Congrats on the refund! I am a new follower, BTW! Love the blog!

    1. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I appreciate the support!
