Friday, January 11, 2013

Update from the infirmary ward :)

Man, yesterday was brutal. I stayed home from work because my throat was so sore I could barely talk and my nose was so congested that I couldn't breathe at all out of it. I didn't have a fever or aches though, so I don't think what I have is the flu. I watched about three movies back to back and a "face off" marathon on the SyFy channel. I barely moved from the couch, but at least I was cozy in my new bathrobe and slippers. ;-)

Here's a photo of Oscar, my loyal and loving dog-nurse taking such good care of me yesterday lol. He was glued to my side all day long. Chloe, one of our two cats, stayed on my lap most of the day too and even licked my forehead from time to time - something she never does. I think they can tell when we don't feel good!

As for today, I popped some MucinexD and feel a bajillion times better. Both Mucienx and Sudafed were on my RE's safe list and that is all MucienxD actually is. I felt good enough to work from home today and finish out the work week before I really rest up this weekend. I have almost a month until the transfer so I'm sure it will be out of my system long before then

I have been meaning to get my flu shot since I bought a groupon for one at a local urgent care clinic just up the street. I called my RE nurse to make sure it's okay to go ahead and get it now, or if it's better to wait until after the transfer and into pregnancy. She said it's better to wait until my cold is completely gone, but to definitely get one before the transfer. Good to know! I haven't had the flu shot in years because I haven't caught the flu since about 2004 (knock on wood) but I don't want to chance anything with a pregnancy. Luckily I got a bunch of vaccines before a trip to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic in Oct 2012 including whooping cough vaccine so I think that should cover me for pre-pregnancy vaccines.

Texas has been slammed with the flu this season and I understand that lots of clinics don't even have the flu shot to give. Better get it while I still can!

I hope everyone out there is staying healthy during this nasty cold/flu season! TGIF!!!


  1. The flu shot is the best! Especially for ladies planning to become pregnant! Hope you feel better soon and can get the shot! In the mean time hope you can enjoy relaxing and blogging!

    1. Thanks, I definitely will once I get feeling better. I'm thinking next weekend I will go get it. :)

  2. I got the flu shot yesterday... I'm so glad I did! It's a nasty flu season.

    Hope and pray that you feel better soon :)

    1. I think I'll go get mine on Saturday if I've finally kicked this cold.

  3. I nominated you for an award on my blog. :)

    1. Oooh, fun! I'm looking forward to participating!
