Tuesday, January 22, 2013

This post is about you

Today's post is going to be about you! I'm very excited about it.

I have quite a bit of traffic coming to my blog on a regular basis which I think is SO COOL!! But I'd love to know more about who my readers are.
Don't be shy, come out of hiding and leave a comment letting me know a little about yourself. Even if this is your first time here, and/or if you have never had anything to do with embryo adoption or infertility and are just interested in my blog, introduce yourself. And if you're here via ICLW, what an easy way to knock a comment out, right? ;-)

And for those of you that comment here regularly, I'd love to have you officially introduce yourself (if you haven't already) and/or tell me something new about you that I may not know.

Can't wait to read your comments! Let the comment-palooza begin.


  1. I read your blog all the time (but I think you already knew that) I am a 27 year old Canadian and when we were first diagnosed with infertility we wanted to adopt.However, that got really complicated and lengthy so we decided to try IVF. Keep up the great posts and Happy ICLW!

    1. I love that you come here often!! Thanks for the comment!

  2. Hey Liz! Not much left for me to tell you. ;) Your blog sure is taking off! I love reading it and glad that you decided to start blogging.

    1. Thanks, Jess. You inspired me to start. I mean that! I don't think I could have done it without you.

      Sending you so much love and prayers for your transfer. :)

  3. My names Jen. 26, red hair, loud, crazy. You already know we are trying to adopt and thinking about doing IUI with DS.

    1. Thanks for the comment. Good luck, I hope you find success in the decision you make.

  4. Hello--I'm Tanya--You can find out all about me on my blog...

    Quick synopsis: After 4 years of infertility, I'm now mommy to a LO adopted as an embryo. :)

    1. I love your blog and have been reading it for a few weeks now. What a beautiful little boy Lucas is. How incredible. Success stories make me so happy and hopeful. Thank you for commenting.

  5. My names Malia *clap clap*
    We did EA *clap clap*
    and we are pregnant! *clap clap*
    so check me out!

    Couldn't resist... SNL oldie. We're from ND and we adopted our 15 embies (12 remaining, two in heaven, one in my womb) from NEDC.

    1. LOL! Malia, you crack me up. *clap clap*

      I hope you're starting to feel a little better from the MS

  6. You know me, but your readers don't! :)
    I'm Meg, I just turned 30, and we've been TTC for almost exactly 2 years now. After two miscarriages, we've been seeing an RE for about a year now. We had one unsuccessful IVF, but are switching it up to injectable IUI. Here goes nothing!

    1. Meg! I'm wishing you lots of luck that the injectable IUI cycle is all you need to get pregnant and have your take-home baby.

  7. I'm Kimberly from nogoodeggs.wordpress.com and I am a regular here! I am 26 and doing my first DE/IVF cycle in Feb - same timeline as you! - because I have POF. I have no kids and no pets, just one very cute hubby who is going to be a great dad!

    1. Kimberly, I'm a regular on your site too even though I don't comment as often as I should. I love your posts so much. I often think what you write, but you say it so much better than I could. Always so thought provoking, and I love that our cycles are so close to one another!

  8. Hi--I'm Martha, 36 DOR with severe MFI. We're starting down the road of IVF, but the first cycle was cancelled due to my non-response. We're hoping that it all works out, but given the odds we may soon need to talk about other options.

    1. Martha, I am so sorry to hear that. As you probably read, mine was cancelled too. We also have MFI, although I don't talk about it on the blog out of respect for my husband. But I understand what you're going through. *hug* I hope you find success with your IVF.

  9. I'm Ashley, 32, unexplained infertility. We had 2 FETs with adopted embryos through the NEDC that didn't result in pregnancies. We adopted our beautiful daughter as a newborn in 2011 and are just getting started in the process to adopt baby #2!

    1. I remember your story! Things always work out in the most peculiar ways sometimes, but I am so glad your path let you to your beautiful daughter. Good luck on your second adoption.

  10. Julia, ttc for 5 years. 33 years old. Hubby has severe male factor. We have adopted embies in the past but are trying one last IVF soon. Love photography, gardening and warm weather...brrr!

    1. Thank you for commenting, Julia. I hope your IVF goes well for you.
      Send some cold weather here to Austin! It was in the 70s today and is supposed to be in the 80s on Thursday. I'm not ready for those temps yet! LOL

  11. Hi, I'm kd. I'm 45 years old and mom to a boy who is almost 5 from IVF and a long, long struggle. And I am mom to our 2 year old daughter from the selfless donation of embyros. I have been reading your blog since I started posting on the Babycenter EA thread (screen name Genoah).

    1. Ahh, I've seen you on babycenter! Thank you for reading my blog. I love success stories. Congrats on your daughter. :)

    2. Hey kd/ Genoah! We chatted on Babycenter awhile ago! Good to see you here too!

  12. Hi I'm Barb. Thought I was ttc and start my family at age 28.I have tubal factor issues. Went down the infertility road and did treatments to no success ie IVF..I was blessed with my son conceived on our own with help from up above I am sure at age 36. Adoption was always in the back of our minds if things didn't work out. I have always felt strongly about this. I have read these blogs and found out about embryo adoption. Last Oct. we did transfer of two embryos from a wonderful family I am sure. The family wanted to remain anonymous. We are expecting twins in July 13. What a wonderful gift.This was the best way for us to build our family.I know nothing is a guarantee but I felt like this would give us a chance when we had little to no hope to begin with.My husband is elated. We still have a ways to go and I am thankful daily.

    1. Congratulations on your wonderful twins. I can only imagine the joy you must feel after such a rough road. I'll pray for you and your family!

  13. I'm Risa! Four years TTC with no pregnancies. Hubby and I just did our first IUI cycle yesterday and are now in the Wait. (Here from ICLW)

    1. Welcome, and thanks for stopping by. Good luck with your IUI and I hope the 2ww goes by quickly for you.

  14. Hi there! I'm coming over from ICLW. I'm Andy, currently 8 weeks pregnant after IVF.

    1. Hi, Andy! Congratulations on your pregnancy. Thank you for stopping by and saying hello.

  15. Hi, I came across your blog via Jess's blog. I'm 32, live in Australia but I'm English :) Good luck to you. I just love reading blog and I follow lots of different ones.

    1. Welcome to my blog. Thank you for stopping by and reading!

  16. HELLO!!! I'm Kate for those who don't know me....and I have no good answer on how long we've been TTC, lol. If you ask me I say July 2009 but if you ask my husband he will say March 2012 :) Its all because my pituitary issues have stopped my cycles and ovulation so there's no hope of pregnancy without ovulation drugs, so if we're not cycling are we TTC?? At anyrate, now they've got me ovulating but think I have an egg quality issue. We've failed 2 IUIs and 3 fresh IVFs with nothing to freeze. I'm in the process of getting second opinions, taking a much needed break, and reevaluating our next step. Options include: 4th cycle with own eggs, Donor Eggs, or Adoption....the two latter ones will require a break until 2014.

    1. Big hugs to you, Kate. I really hope that your new RE can get together a plan for you that you feel good about and it brings you peace. In the meantime, take care of yourself.

  17. This is such an awesome idea -I may borrow it for the next ICLW! TTC since 2011, irregular cycles and uterine septum meets moderate male factor. 1 MC at 6 weeks, starting IUI after my resection. Close friend is a mother of boy/girl twins through embryo adoption -it was the sweetest way to end their story after long history of infertility. ICLW#7

    1. Thanks! It's been fun seeing my readers talk. I am sorry for your loss and your struggles. *hug* I love to hear about your friend and her happy ending. Good luck to you!

  18. I'm Jennifer (27-turing 28 next month)and we tried for about 6 months to conceive from fall 2008-spring 2009. In May 2009, my husband was diagnosed with severe MFI. We were told IVF w/ICSI was our only option. But, God had already laid embryo adoption on our hearts in 2006, so that is what we immediately pursued. We had 3 FETs at the NEDC in 2010. The 1st FET resulted in a negative beta. The 2nd FET resulted in a very weak positve beta resulting in a very early miscarriage. And our 3rd FET resulted in the birth of our boy/girl twins in June 2011! Another one of our EA blogger friends are currently pregnant with our twins' genetic sibling(s). She just had her FET last week and tested yesterday and got a positive. Her beta is on Friday. Their blog is www.ourjourneytoadopt.com

    1. Wow! What an amazing story! Congratulations on your babies. I am going to start following her story too. What a wonderful thing that both of you can share.

      Thank you so much for sharing.

  19. Hi! I'm Maria, I'm 29, and we've been TTC for 2.5 years. We did our first fresh IVF over Thanksgiving, and it didn't work that time, but we have 3 frozen embryos, so we're looking forward to our first FET in April!

    1. Hi Maria! I am sorry to hear about your IVF cycle, but I'll keep my fingers crossed for your FET in April. :) Thanks for commenting and stopping by

  20. I'm a lurker who has been reading as a result of finding your blog listed on the bump message boards in your siggie. I did an IVF cycle, which led to a chemical pregnancy, but also six chromosomally normal frozen embryos. One of them is now a 1-year-old, and we're hoping to get two more kids out of what is in the freezer... after that, we'll be looking into embryo adoption/donation, and that's why I'm reading -- because hearing about what the other side of the experience is like is really helpful to me in figuring out what I hope is in our future.

    1. Hi there, congratulations on your 1 year old! I will keep my fingers crossed for your future FET. And I applaud you for considering donating your embryos. It truly is a life changing gift. If you ever have any questions about anything, let me know. :)

  21. Hello! I am Kelly, 29. Hubby & I started TTC in December 2009...tried unsuccessfully until August of 2011 when we finally decided to go to an RE. It was then that we found out we had severe MFI. Not long after that we decided to pursue embryo adoption. We were matched with 4 embabies in December 2012 and we are in the process of getting them to our clinic (in the next couple of weeks) and then starting our medicated cycle to do our FET (hoping for late March, early April transfer!) SO EXCITED! :)

    1. I'm so excited for you and your four special embryos! Wishing you all of the luck in the world!

  22. Hello from ICLW! Been on this TTC rollercoaster for nearly a year and half. Gearing up for IUI #5 and hoping to avoid IVF!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Good luck with your IUI!

  23. hi from iclw!!! 28, from Dallas, TX!!! currently trying the holistic approach!

    1. Hi to a fellow Texan! Good luck, I hope you find success. :)

  24. Hi there! I'm Vicky and I have 2 sons. After going through a bunch of tests and finding no reason that we couldn't have kids we tried IUI & IVF on our own. No luck. So we were going to try adoption when our nurse told us about ED/EA. Our first miracle came from an anonymous, amazing donation of embryos from a couple at our clinic - I got pregnant the first round and we were so happy! We had always assumed that we would use the remaining 5 embryos to give our son a brother or sister but someone "up above" had other plans... our second miracle happened as we somehow got pregnant on our own. This left a new problem and 5 embryos that we now didn't need...so we decided that another couple should use them and be able to start a family like we did. If you have read this far and counted 5 embryos and the letter "V" in my name you win. We are now hoping and praying that Liz and Kevin get to use these 5 embryos to start a family of their own and have a sister or brother to go with our oldest son!! I am blessed and lucky to call them friends now!

    1. Vicky!! I'm so glad you commented! We are so incredibly blessed to have met you and have you in our lives. I'm so glad you've told you side of things. :)

  25. ICLW #55. I'm now parenting two toddlers after spending 4 years fighting for them. We had surprise pregnancies after giving up on ever having kids at all. Now I'm learning how to deal with the "after" and thinking about trying for #3 later this year.

    1. Congratulations on your toddlers. What an incredible blessing. Good luck on #3. :)

  26. Hi,
    I lurk on a few infertility blogs because I am interested in the whole process. I get caught up in the stories and root for a happy ending. It's kind of like you watching Real Housewives, I read these blogs. I adopted from China, but we never tried to have children - I just felt like those girls are here and need families, so we adopted instead. To be honest, I never had a strong desire to get pregnant and was on the fence about children. DH really wanted children, so we were led to China adoption by God, I believe. I feel like a bit of an imposter, but that's my story. I am praying for a successful end to your journey!

    1. Congratulations on your successful adoption. Thank you for commenting and your prayers. They are so incredibly appreciated!
