Friday, September 6, 2013

And the lining verdict is...

I am bursting with excitement over here. My lining went from 7.4mm on Tuesday, to being at 9.6mm today! And it has a perfect trilaminar stripe! The RE told me I could not have asked for a more perfect lining.

Man, am I thrilled. 

This means we are a GO for Thursday's transfer!

After the appointment, I texted Kevin telling him that I had a 9.6mm lining and a perfect triple stripe. His response was "I have no idea what that means, but triple stripe sounds like a brand of chewing gum." I was laughing the whole way home over that one.

I'm surprised my lining plumped up so fast. Could it have been the POM? Who knows? But that's the only thing I changed.

Tomorrow I stop Lupron and whip out the big guns - PIO, Medrol, and Doxy. I am on the home stretch. This could very well be the last weekend I am not pregnant for a long time. Fingers crossed. 

The countdown to Thursday has officially begun!

Is it just me or does every RE put decorative socks out? I've been to multiple REs and this seems to be an industry standard!


  1. Congrats! I am happy for you! and yes, that does sound like May this be the last weekend you are not preggers for a long while:)

    1. LOL...yeah I think he was thinking of Fruit Stripe gum from the 90s! ;)

  2. Yay! So happy for you! I picked up some 100% pomegranate juice from Whole Foods the other day, so hopefully, my lining will be as beautiful as yours in 10 days! And yes, I think it is industry standard to have decorative socks over the stirrups. LOL!

    1. Thanks so much! I hope the pomegranate helps you as much as I think this did me. Just drink 8oz a day once a day. That's it!

      My clinic changes out the socks to match the holidays too. It's hillarious!

  3. Excellent news Liz! Keep up the good work! ;)

  4. Hooray for POM and hooray for you! So exciting! FX for a smooth and successful transfer!

    1. I think I'm a POM believer! Thanks so much for the constant support!

  5. Wonderful news!! I'm at a 9 right now and they are thinking it is too thick too soon. I will have an u/s on Friday to confirm one way or another. By that time you will be PUPO!!

    1. I hope your lining cooperates! FX for you. :)

  6. Wahoo! So glad everything is "lining" up for you. See what I did there?? Lol and I agree you will be PUPO :-)

    1. LOL that cracks me up, I even had to read it to Kevin. :-)

  7. Yeah! Yippee! and Whoohoo! I think you know how excited I am for you =) Sending good thoughts, prayers and anything else that will help those beautiful snowflakes stick and stay around for oh, about 9 months!!!

    1. I do! I'm so lucky to have your support! Fingers crossed that THIS IS IT! :)

  8. Awesome lining! For some reason, I just had a feeling that would happen for you. Hopefully that is a good sign! Love the socks, but I have to admit, my clinic did not have fancy socks.

    1. I'm glad your feeling turned out to be true! I'm surprised your clinic doesn't do the sock thing, I figured it was an oddball thing that they all did. :) Oh well, you're not missing out on much really.

  9. Woohoo! Crossing fingers, toes, and even eyes that this is your cycle.
