Thursday, September 12, 2013

Transfer day captured in pictures and video

Today was our much-anticipated transfer day!

I took lots and lots of pictures today. At our first transfer in February, I didn't take very many pictures. Then I kicked myself once I got the positive pregnancy test because I had wished I had done more to capture the special day. And not just to document it all for my blog, but most importantly to document it for our future children. So I vowed this time I would take loads of pictures. And I did. Below are a few I'll share with you to tell the story.

Our day started at 5:30am. We both showered, got dressed, and hit the road bright and early. I made sure to wear my lucky pendants around my neck for the day which are: My heart pendant from Kevin, my gold ribbon pendant in memory of my mom, and my snowflake pendant for....well duh. :) And I also wore a bracelet from my friend and fellow EA blogger Jess that says "Expect Miracles."

After going to my pre-transfer acupuncture session, we decided to take one of the toll roads all the way to San Antonio which allowed us to cruise at the highest posted speed limit in the whole US. 85 mph! Wahoo!

When we finally got to the clinic about two hours later, I was able to present them with my home-made cake which everyone seemed to love, especially my RE. He kept talking about it and had joked that he knew I had brought it just for him and he didn't have to share with anyone else. I was so happy they all enjoyed it!

Unfortunately my primary RE, Dr. B., couldn't make it to my transfer today due to a change in schedule due to her upcoming maternity leave. She emailed me and was very sad about it and sent me lots of virtual hugs and support. While I was sad that I didn't get to finally meet her in person, her sincere email meant a lot to me. I gave the gift I had brought for her to one of the nurses who said they'd deliver it to her tomorrow. I hope she likes it.

I changed into the hospital gown, booties, and super sexy hair-net. Not a great look.

We waited for a bit, then the embryologist came out to talk to us about the embryos. I had a lump in my throat because I had expected to lose some at thaw like we had last time. But I was happy to hear her proclaim that both had thawed and survived and were looking fantastic! We couldn't have been happier.

As I was talking to the nurse, I mentioned the fact that these embryos were adopted from another family and not genetically related to us and I was "meeting" them for the first time. She seemed surprised and said "We actually had one other patient here in February who found embryos on her own and did a transfer with them." I laughed and said "Yup, that was actually me!" I guess it seems that they only have one donor embryo patient after all! Me. And she was going to tell me about me without even knowing it. LOL

After filling up my bladder which was torturous, but necessary...

...I was wheeled into the OR where I finally got to meet my two precious snowflakes:

The transfer went absolutely flawlessly. The embryologist, nurses and RE all cheered the moment the RE put them in. They were impressed, medically-speaking, with the RE's skill in how he had done it. I love to hear that sort of thing! Gooooo Dr A!

It's a little hard to tell, but the transfer happens around the six second mark of the video and is on the bottom left side of the monitor where the arrows are.

After transfer, I was expected to lay flat on my back and let the snowflakes settle in. The post-transfer acupuncturist came in and inserted all of the appropriate needles. It helped me relax, and Kevin was fascinated by the needles since he had never seen this before in real life.

And while resting with the needles in, I asked Kevin to give me the pictures of the embryos so I could stare at them against my feet. The below photo is emotional for me because I can recall the overwhelming feeling I had staring at them knowing they were finally with me.

After the 30 minute rest, I got up and went into the changing room and out of the blue these words just popped into my head:

This is just the very beginning of the story.

Who knows where that came from? It felt like someone said it TO me, and I didn't come up with it myself. It kind of surprised me, to be honest. God, is that you saying that? I hope and pray this story has a happy ending this time.

I took a picture in the changing room mirror with my phone as my first "pregnancy" picture. Babies on board! Smile on my face!

The RE gave me the petri dish that the embryos were thawed and grown in as a wonderful memento.  I kept it clutched in my hand the whole ride home.

And also on the ride home, I called Libby to let her know how great today went. She is wonderful, and there is not a single day that I don't think about what an amazing gift and opportunity she has given us. I was happy to be able to tell her all about this day. 

Now I'm home resting. 

Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers. I am so touched by the love shown to us by my friends and blog readers.


  1. great pics!! I am praying for you, I hope this is your happy ever after :) xoxo

  2. And now I'm in tears! How sweet that you got to take home the petri dish. One day you'll tell your baby(ies), "You were once so tiny that you fit in this little dish." It truly sounds like a wonderful day!!

    1. I know! I just love this petri dish! I actually gave it a kiss this morning. I'm weird! :) But yes, it was a wonderful day.

  3. I've been thinking about you all day! I love that you're documenting everything with photos :) My fingers and toes are crossed for you guys. *big hugs*

  4. Congrats! I have been checking all morning for updates. Sending lots of good thoughts your way. You deserve this, you have worked so hard. I love the little petri dish memento. Keep us posted. Hugs.

  5. Yay! So glad you posted and update! I can't believe you can go 85 miles and hour in TX! That's how fast I went when I was on the Autobahn in Germany (I wasn't driving), and I thought we were going to die!! So happy that things went so flawlessly. Love the cake, the good luck charms, and the fact that you could get acupuncture on the spot right after transfer! And how special that you got to keep the petri dish that your babies were in. I'm praying that everything turns would well for you.

    1. Yup! 85mph is crazy fast. I just worry about hitting a wild animal since it's kind of out in the middle of nowhere. :) Luckily, we didn't.

      Thanks so much for reading and for all of your support. Fingers crossed for your upcoming transfer!

  6. You look beautiful! Hope you are at home getting lots of rest!

    1. Aww, thanks Caroline! I am getting lots of rest.

  7. I'm so glad everything went smoothly. I loved all of the pictures- they make your story "come to life" for me. I will check back to see that video!

    1. I'm glad you liked it! I should have the video uploaded by the end of day today. It sounds like youtube takes a while to actually reflect the cropping i've made of it. But stay tuned!

  8. I'm so glad to hear that they both survived the thaw and were doing great-music to your ears, I know! And how cool that you were given their Petri dish. That is something that we weren't given but what a fun thing to one day, Lord willing, show your kids. Hope u get a BFP soon! :)

    1. I was so relieved they made it through thaw! Yes, the petri dish is extra special to us. :) Can't believe these little ones lived in it.

  9. Your cake looks amazing! Loved all the pictures and how cool is it that they let you keep the petri dish??!! Happy or sad ending, you did EVERYTHING you could to give those precious babies a chance at life....although I am praying fervently for your happy ending! Thanks for sharing your story and telling it so well. Rest up Mama!

    1. Thanks so much! I know huh! Very cool! I'm praying these babies stick around. I told them to "stay put" this morning. :)

  10. Congrats you are PUPO!! So glad that it went well and you had a good day.

  11. Glad everything went so well! What a great memento to have the petri dish. Prayers.

    1. I love the petri dish! It's so cool. Thanks for the prayers and support, as always! :)

  12. What a perfect day! So happy for you!

  13. What a great documentation of your day! Love all the pictures and such a sweet story to go with them. Sounds like the day went perfectly.

    1. Thanks so much. I'm glad you like it. The day was absolutely perfect.

  14. Sending you love and prayers! xxx

    1. Thanks!! I really appreciate all the prayers I can get! :)

  15. Beautiful embryos! Sending nothing but love your way ((HUGS))

  16. LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! I have treasured the photo that they gave me of my embryos... it will be the first picture in his baby book. The petri dish is so special too! What a wonderful, magical day and I'm so happy it went smoothly for you. Every appendage is crossed and so many prayers lifted for a BFP!

    1. The embryo photos are amazing, aren't they?! I'm so glad you've kept yours. Thanks so much for the support and prayers!

  17. YAY YAY YAY!!! Beautiful snowflakes, just amazing!!!! So many prayers!

    1. Thank you, Melissa. :) I agree, they are just beautiful! I can't stop staring at them! Thanks for the prayers.

  18. I just started following your blog. My husband and I are about to venture into embryo adoption. I got all teared up reading your most recent post! You have my prayers! :)

    1. How exciting! I wish you and your husband lots of luck! If you ever have any questions that I might be able to help with, just let me know. I always like to help! :)

      We also started a facebook group that is set to 'secret' so it doesn't out you to your friends. If you want to join, let me know. We have over 70 people now and many have obtained embryos in a variety of ways. :) Good luck on your journey!

  19. I get all emotional reading this entry! I really hope these babies decide to stick with you for a good 9 months!!

    1. Aww! I've re-read it a few times and it makes me emotional too. Thanks for reading and for your support!

  20. Such a beautiful post capturing the transfer of your snowflakes. I love that you plan to share it with them!

    1. Thank you! Yes, I can't wait until the day where I can begin telling them their story. :)

  21. This was so touching! Thank you for sharing. Fx, praying hard those embies get nice and snuggly in their new home : )

  22. great pictures! wishing you the best of luck!!
