Friday, September 20, 2013

I'm not doing so well

I don't think this pregnancy is headed in a good direction. I've been testing every morning on a variety of tests and the tests are not getting darker. Even the FRERs are barely showing a line morning after morning. I can't get a digital FRER to turn positive, and those register at 25miu. For someone who received the faintest of faint positive at 4dp6dt, a healthy pregnancy should have doubled to something darker by now.

So it's starting to sink in, I'm probably going to lose another baby. Babies.

I emailed my nurse and RE to see if they might move my beta to today at 8dp6dt, which is when many REs will do it as a standard anyway. Last pregnancy, I asked for an early beta, the nurse quickly said no, so I'm guessing I will hear the same today. But I CCed the RE herself this time and said I was in some serious emotional turmoil over this and would rather know sooner than later if things aren't going to work out.

I pray she will show me some mercy and allow it.

Thanks for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. Kevin's birthday is Tuesday and we had planned to spend the whole weekend celebrating. Neither of us are in a good space or in a mood to celebrate, and I've been crying hysterically for the past few hours. My sweet dog is following me around like a shadow, I can tell he is trying to comfort me. I've been on my knees all morning just asking God why this keeps happening to us. Why? I am just sick and numb at this point.

I hope we get a miracle, but it seems like miracles happen to everyone else. Not us.

Well, I've got to go get ready to go to work. That means putting on the smiling mask of a woman who isn't having her world destroyed. I've worn it many times before, and I'll wear it yet again.

My RE agreed to letting me get my first beta done today. I just got back from the blood draw, but we expect the clinic to get the results after they close today. They are open tomorrow, so I should get the results then. Monday's results will be the most telling relative to today's. I'm so glad I was able to get in. Thanks for the thoughts and prayers.


  1. I'm so, so sorry for the turmoil you are going through right now. Hoping they let you have your beta and you get some better news today.

  2. Oh Liz, I have no words. I am just so sorry. I wish I could comfort you or tell you something that would take away the pain, but all I can say is I am praying for you and hoping for a miracle.

  3. Girl, I hope that your faith in this can be restored!!!!

  4. I'm so sorry, Liz. It makes my heart ache so much to read you guys go through this :( I can only hope and wish that a miracle happens! I'm hoping the nurse shows you some mercy and has you come in for a beta today so you can at least have some answers. *big, big hugs*

  5. I am sorry this is happening to you. I had a chemical pregnancy after my miscarriage in March where I was pregnant for 5 days but my pregnancy tests didn't get any darker and 5 days after my missed period I started bleeding. It was totally adding insult to injury. I am so sorry this is happening and causing you stress. Hopefully you will have some resolution soon.

  6. I'm so sorry! I'm blindly optimistic... I think the best until the best is completely ruled out. I'm still thinking, hoping, and praying for the best for you!

  7. i am miles away in SC but came across your blog a couple of days ago and immediately connected with you as i am going thru a 3rd FET with hope/fear/anxiety that this will be the time it works. it brought tears to my eyes after reading your thoughts from today and i truly hope you will be blessed with a miracle. this process is so very hard on us and the emotional roller coaster is almost unbearable.... praying for a positive, healthy outcome for you.... and for me :)

  8. Oh Liz, I'm sorry you're going through this. I am praying that your miracle sticks around and grows strong. I hope they allow you to get a beta sooner. *hugs* and prayers!

  9. I know the world of chemicals all too well as well, and I'm so very sorry you think this is headed that way. I am keeping you both in my prayers.

  10. Oh Liz... I am so sorry for what you're going through. We will continue to lift you up in prayers, miracles happen and you are so deserving of one.

  11. Oh, Liz. *big squishy hugs* No matter what happens, you've got tons of people supporting you, and pulling for you. <3 It's so early yet, so many different things could be going on.
    I am hoping with everything I've got that this is your miracle!

  12. Jeremiah 1:5. "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you..."

  13. I'm so sorry you are going through this. Sending you thought and prayers!!!

  14. I'm so sorry. I have been there and it's horrible. Send a msg anytime you want to talk. (also on TB)

  15. Many thoughts and prayers going out for you guys....

  16. I'm so sorry things are not going well.
