Monday, September 16, 2013

Where's my head at? Blah.

I'm feeling pretty negative today at 4dp6dt. I have no particular reason to feel this way, I just do. Kevin and I were talking about it a few days ago and we both irrationally feel like we're somehow destined to endure all kinds of hardships along this crazy infertility journey. In the beginning, I had no idea that I'd be diagnosed with infertility, let alone a diagnosis making me one of the most infertile of all infertiles with DOR. I had no idea I'd have no response whatsoever to maximum medication to an IVF cycle, but that's how it worked out. And of course, I had no idea that in a million years I'd experience a miscarriage, let alone one that dragged out with rising but not doubling betas cruely until 9w. And yes, I experienced a failed ART cycle for my IUI in 2011, but I wasn't hopeful. I knew it wouldn't work. I do have hope this time, so therefore I feel like I'm supposed to endure a failure after having so much hope. That's next on the checklist for me. It seems like it's inevitable. Who am I to think I could skate by without a huge, disappointing BFN somewhere in the mix? I know that's a crazy thought, but I can't shake it.

And it really hit me this morning that while we do have three embryos left over, one of them is not expected to survive thaw. That means realistically, we only have one shot left with a transfer of the other two. So much racing through my mind.

I'm also really frustrated at work. This is a new phenomenon because I've really liked it for the past three years. There is a new manager who obsessively micromanages everyone and makes my team feel like complete losers. It's tearing our team apart. I have stood up to her a few times, but it's getting really old and it doesn't seem to make any difference. I wish I didn't have this to deal with on top of everything else.

Last, but not least, I found out another cousin of mine is newly pregnant. And my sister in law is complaining about her pregnancy to my Dad, and then he goes on to tell me about it. It seems like all it takes for everyone in my life to get pregnant is to look at their husband. Pregnancy announcements are killing me right now. And hearing that people aren't happy being pregnant is a knife to my chest.

Off to the lab to get my progesterone drawn. Thanks for hearing me be a little negative today.


  1. Still have great hope for your current transfer, but just so you know, my currently 2 yo little girl running around my house, had a 1% chance of surviving the thaw. She was one of 4 that were not supposed to survive. God is still a God of miracles! Hang on to hope today!

  2. Ah Liz, I'm sorry you are having a tough day. I think you know deep in your heart that you did absolutely everything right, including the POM juice. ;) Hang in there. Sending you lots of good positive thoughts today.
    Have a good day.
    PS- Micro-managers suck! HaHa. Don't give her win by not going to work. Save that PTO, you will need it when these babies arrive. ;)

  3. I'm sorry you're having a rough go of it. But its too early to tell anything. I was really positive my cycle had worked on my first 2 cycles...and that turned out to be BFN. The cycle that resulted in my BFP - I had a huge on ugly cry at 5dp5dt because I was SURE it was all over. Hang in there! We're all rooting for you! (((HUGS)))

  4. Sorry about the mood! I'm still optimistic for you. Everyone goes through moods (especially with a bad new manager).

    Prayers! :)

  5. thinking aboout you! Hope you are able to gain some of those positive vibes back!

  6. I'm sorry you are having a tough day, but it is only natural after everything you have been through. I am sending you tons of good vibes :)

  7. Gah! Stupid Monday. Hope tomorrow is better!

  8. Hang in there! Still praying for you guys!

  9. Praying for you guys, this journey is not for the faint of heart. Hoping sept is the month for all of us and we will all have our may/ june babies next year

  10. You ma have doubts creeping in, but I am still hopeful for you. This waiting game before the beta is awful. Hang in there!
