Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Lining scan results

I had my lining scan this morning which *should* be the last one prior to my transfer next Thursday. I've always had a full, lush lining so I was expecting the same today. I was pretty surprised when it measured in at only 7.4mm which is above the 7mm that my RE will move forward with, but not by much. Granted, I still have nine days until transfer so I'm hoping I can get it to plump up a bit. But for some context, at 11days pre-FET in Feb, it was already at 11.34mm, so of course I get a little nervous that I'm not a little thicker by now. The nurses weren't worried about it at all, but we are waiting for my RE to review the results of the E2 labwork before making the final say on whether we are a green light or not for a September 12th. I'm thinking it will be a "go" but I'm just waiting for that call to see. I'll post an update once I hear from my nurse.

I brought the gift (snowflake necklace and thank-you card) for my embryologist today in the hopes I'd see her to give it to her personally. Unfortunately, she wasn't in quite yet so I gave it to the nurse to pass along. I was a little nervous doing that because I didn't want the nurse to feel bad that I didn't bring a gift to her, but I had no other opportunity to get it to the embryologist. I hope she likes it!

I have two gifts - one for my RE and one for my embryologist to show gratitude for going above and beyond!

I'm not a believer in POM and opted not to drink it this cycle. In past cycles, I drank one 8oz cup every day. It supposedly builds up the lining, but there has not been any evidence to support this, plus it's fairly high in sugar. So I opted not to this time. However just because I want to know I've tried everything, I grabbed some POM on the way back from the appointment and have already chugged a glass. I hate the taste, but what is it going to hurt? ;-)


  1. All my FX for success!

    And I am a firm believer in Pom. I had cycles cancelled because my linings were always 5.5-6mm. UGLY! I switched protocols and also started pounding the Pom and the next cycle (mock cycle because we had to figure out the lining thing) we were 7.5-8.5mm and beautiful. Was it the new protocol? Probably but I wasn't cutting out the Pom - taking no chances!

    FWIW, According to my RE - its a lot more important to show that trilaminar endometrium lining then the actual thickness of the lining once you get above 7mm. And my current successful cycle, I was showing a 7.6mm lining at 6 days out. And my little embaby nestled in just fine.

    So many prayers for you!

    1. I am kind of kicking myself for not putting POM in the mix earlier. :( I remember thinking "Oh there's too much sugar in it, and there's no proof it works." But now it has me rethinking if it's been what has helped my lining before. In any event, I'm on it now!

      I should have asked if my lining showed the trlaminar stripes, I totally forgot! :( I am now on the edge of my seat wondering if I will be delayed or not. I should be getting a call any minute here. Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock.

      Thanks for the prayers and support!

  2. Hhhmmmm now I may have to go pick some POM up too! Like I mentioned on FB, my acupunturist recommends taking raspberries to help build up the lining. Also, putting a warm/heating pad over the lower abdomen is supposed to help blood flow to the uterus and help build the lining.

    1. Thanks! Yeah, now I'm wondering if POM was the trick in past cycles? Worth trying at least! Make sure you get the 100% pomegranate kind because they have blends with other fruits and allegedly they are not as effective.

      I'll throw some strawberries in with my morning smoothies and enjoy some heating pad time in the evenings. Ahh.... thanks for the tips.

  3. You are still a ways out from transfer on the 12th so you still have time for that lining to thicken up! When my lining was a little lower, my RE had me double the dosage of Estrace by taking vaginally and it did the trick. Good luck!

    1. That's my hope too. :) Thanks for the reassurance.

  4. I just had my donor IUI this afternoon and my lining was only at 7mm and both my OBGYN and my RE assured me that it was thick enough. I'm with you though, I'd rather it be at least 10!! Good luck with this cycle, I am hoping and praying for you :) xo

    1. Thanks, this is reassuring! Fingers crossed for your cycle. :)

  5. Crossing all my fingers and toes!
