Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Born straight to heaven

I write this through tears.

Our baby didn't make it. No heartbeat today. The fetal pole had shrunk which the OB said is a sign of reabsorption. The fact that it shrunk was enough for the OB to assure us that this baby didn't make it on it's own and we have a D&C scheduled for tomorrow at noon CST. I will be 9w1d. I feel comfortable knowing this is the right thing to do now. I prayed for guidance on this decision and this is the right one without question.

Thank you so much for the prayers for healing. We know our baby was born straight to heaven and is in God's loving arms now.

I think I want to go plant a tree in our yard near my mom's memorial tree in our baby's memory. I already miss this baby so much.


  1. My heart breaks. I am so sorry. I think the tree idea is a great one. What a loving memory. I am thinking about you alot today. Hugs.

  2. My heart aches for you and Kevin. I wish the outcome had been different, but know that it is good for you to be able to move out of limbo. I think it's a beautiful idea to plant a tree in memory of your precious little one. My prayer are still with you and hope you find comfort and direction for whatever the future holds. -DP

  3. I am so very sorry that you are going through this. My heart is breaking for you. I am sending you healing and peaceful prayers.

  4. Oh Liz, I'm just so sorry. I wish so badly that there had been a different outcome. The pain is unbearable but I promise you will make it through. (((HUGS)))

  5. I'm so sorry for your loss! Take time and allow yourself to grieve. It's so rough to have it dragged out like that- I'm sure you have a million questions to ask God. Allow yourself to be angry and hurt and to ask those questions. You're in my prayers as you process this rough season.

  6. Liz and Kevin, I am so sorry for your loss. You are amazing parents and I am praying for you both during this time.

    Sending peace,
    Mandy and Cody

  7. Liz, I am so sorry for your loss. I love the tree idea as well. Wish I had done that! I pray that God comforts you during this time of grief.

  8. Liz, I am grieving with you. I am so so sorry for this pain, but your baby was loved and prayed for by so many (you and Kevin most of all!), which is so important! I am praying for your comfort and peace that only God can give you. Prayers and HUGS! - Kelly

  9. I am so very sorry for the loss of your snowflake... Many prayers for you and Kevin...

  10. I'm so very sorry, Liz. This hurts so badly - I know... because I went thru the same pain twice. ((Hugs!))

  11. Planting a tree next to your mom is beautiful idea. I am so sorry fo your loss.

  12. I'm so sorry for your loss. A tree is an excellent way to memorialize your baby. You'll see him or her again in Heaven.

    You're in my prayers.

    Have you read the book "Heaven is for Real"? It touches on miscarriage and helped me to get through my miscarriage. The boy meets his miscarried sister in heaven.

  13. Oh Liz, I am so sorry for the loss you and Kevin are experiencing. It is so terribly hard to lose a child. I think that doing something special like planting a tree in the baby's memory will be a wonderful way to memorialize him/her.

    Allow yourself the time to grieve. Don't listen if people tell you there is nothing to mourn. You loved that little baby even if you never saw a heartbeat on an ultrasound screen.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  14. I am so sorry. Reading this reminds me of the 3 times this has happened to me. I have lost 4 babies in all, the first was ectopic. I agree with Carli...Do not listen to anybody who says that you have nothing to mourn. Thinking of you x

  15. It's amazing how quickly our hearts and minds make room for a little one, and mourning that loss can feel overwhelming. Many, many, many thoughts and prayers coming your way.

    {When we lost our baby during pregnancy, an online resource out of Canada was helpful to me, and they sent the loveliest "Born with Angel Wings" certificate to us. It's framed in my room, and it's been so healing and validating to me to have the baby's name and place of 'birth' listed. Anyway, because I found them helpful, I'm sharing the website with you:}

  16. Oh sweetie, I'm so so so so sorry. :( This breaks my heart for you. Sending you tons of hugs and love. <3

  17. I am so sorry to hear this. I know how you are feeling as I too experienced something similar. I love the tree idea! I wish I had done that. Know we are here for you. Mourn and take all the time you need. Know your angel baby will be waiting to meet you again in heaven

  18. I am so very sorry. We planted a pink rose bush for one of our daughter's who was born straight to heaven. My heart hurts for you.

  19. I am so sorry. Thoughts & prayers to you and your husband.

  20. I am so sorry for your loss. :( I thik the tree is a wonderful idea, I'm sure it will help you in the grieving process, and always be a beautiful reminder.

  21. So sorry to read this. Praying for you!

  22. So sorry for your loss. Praying for you and your husband.

  23. I wish I had words...
    Thinking of you!

  24. I'm so sorry Liz... After our loss, my husband bought me a ring in memory of our LO. I love that I always have that with me. I love the idea of a tree, too. Praying for your broken heart. (((hugs)))

  25. No words -- just tears here, too. I'm so sorry.

  26. I don't know what to say other than I am so sorry. I am praying for you.

  27. I wish I had more comforting words. I am so sorry

  28. I am so sorry to hear this. My heart breaks for you. You are in my prayers...

  29. She was so blessed to have your love the whole time!! You gave her an opportunity at life on earth! What a gift for you to do that and make that sacrifice. It was no small thing what you did. Look at what you went through. You two should be so proud of yourselves. I am so, so sorry for your loss. I am also happy for her to gain the presence of Jesus.

  30. I am sorry to read this and for your loss.I do believe planting the tree in memory of your child is a beautiful thing to do.Prayers for you and your family.

  31. So very sorry for your loss. I am so saddened to hear this news. Best wishes to you and your husband in facing this enormous loss.

  32. I'm so incredibly sorry. I wish there was something I could say or do to make this better, but I know there's not. HUGS!

  33. So sorry. Thinking and praying for you guys.

  34. I'm so sorry you have had to go through this. Planting a tree to honor your baby, next to your Mom's memorial tree is a wonderful idea.
