Friday, March 29, 2013

The D and C

Yesterday I had my D and C at 9w1d. It went a lot better emotionally than I had expected. When I first sensed trouble with this pregnancy, I kept thinking about how a D and C would go and I pictured myself crying on the way to the surgery center, at the surgery center, in recovery, etc. But it didn't happen like that. I teared up a couple of times though. Once when one of the nurses came over and kindly told me she had experienced a miscarriage too and how sorry she was for our loss. This meant a lot because the previous nurse was so flippant about our situation I could tell she totally didn't get it - even when I tried to explain the road we had traveled.  I also cried when one of my brothers texted me telling me how sorry he was. I didn't tell him the news, but I asked that my Dad do it. My brothers and I are not very close, I'll have to write a post about that story one of these days but to hear from one of them meant the world. Maybe I'll still hear from the other, but I'm not holding my breath.

I think the reason I didn't cry is because I didn't feel like yesterday was the "goodbye." Baby Maggie had stopped growing sometime the week prior. And all that was left was her body, not her spirit. I know her spirit had already left and was in God's loving arms. Kevin made a point that this was just a process for the body and that's exactly how I felt.

The procedure itself went very well. The OB talked to Kevin while I was in recovery and said everything was very easy and he was thorough. The baby and the gestational sac had already detached themselves from the uterine wall and clots were forming around it. This was a sign that a miscarriage was imminent - likely in the next day or two. It reaffirmed that the choice to do a D and C was the right one which brought so much comfort as we had struggled with this decision for at least two weeks. There was no amount of waiting that would have helped Maggie grow. And while her body is not longer with me, her spirit will always be. The D and C will never change that.

I had a lot of pain after the procedure and slept most of the afternoon and evening. Kevin  was suffering quite a bit emotionally yesterday and felt the finality to our loss. I love him so much and I hate seeing him suffer like this, but I know it's a necessary part of this process. He is the most incredible man and was the best Dad anyone could have asked for in the past 9 weeks that Maggie was with us.

Planting her Magnolia tree was so therapeutic for me and I know meant a lot to Kevin too. I didn't actually do the work to plant it, I can thank my incredible husband for that. Watching him dig a hole in the earth felt like a funeral of sorts. Placing the sleeping baby statue made both of us tear up. Kevin went inside to get something and one of our neighbors kids went outside and started saying "Mommy! Mommy!" right at that moment. That definitely tore a piece of my heart out. Someday I pray some little voice will be calling that word out emphatically to me.

Thank you for all of your kind comments on my previous posts. I normally go back and respond to each and every one but there are just too many for me to do that. I want you to know how grateful I am and I have read every single one. I have cried at the outpouring of support and it's meant the world.


  1. Thinking of you during your healing process. I think the memorial to Maggie with the tree was just beautiful and amazing. I kept our u/s pics of the baby I lost on my blog and look at them every week. It saddens me, but also I feel so blessed that I was given that short time with my baby.

    Your husband sounds amazing and you will also pull through this :)

    1. Thank you so much. I am starting to feel like you do and while I am sad, I am so blessed that she was ours for the short amount of time she was here. My husband is incredible and I know better days are ahead. Thank you for the kind words.

  2. Liz, I am thinking of you so much. I agree with Toni- the memorial was beautiful.

    I am sending you lots of hugs and to Kevin too.

    1. Thank you so much. I look out my window now and see the memorial and smile/cry at the same time. We appreciate the hugs and support.

  3. I remember laughing (?! laughing?!) at the TV in the room being turned to Food Network before my D&C - how funny for it to be that channel when they wouldn't let you eat for the previous 12 hours...
    Wishing you and family peace during the healing process - know there's no right or wrong way to do it...

    1. Yeah, it's just surreal going through something like a D&C. All of the weird details do stick out in my memories too. Thank you for the kind words and wishes for peace.

  4. Liz - been thinking about you a ton! SO many people that don't struggle with IF just don't understand. I think I will be headed down the D&C path next week as well. :( IF sucks!

    1. Oh Michelle, I am so incredibly sorry to hear this. I am sending you lots of love and comfort. If you have any questions or need anyone to talk to, just email me. wishingonasnowflake at *HUGS*

  5. Liz I have been thinking about you! It sounds like you are processing this really well. I am so glad that you guys planted the tree - that is mch more important for the closure than the procedure! I am so sorry you are hurting right now. I can tell you are a strong person and you and Kevin will help each other through!

    1. Thank you so much. I know we will get through this. The tree helped a lot. Your support helps a lot too! Thank you so much for the kind words.

  6. Oh Honey, I know exactly what you are going through. It's amazing how identical our stories are. My October baby was due on the 28th and yours on the 30th. Both stopped growing somewhere around 5 weeks. We both had the D&C at exactly 9 weeks and 1 day. My D&C was on Tuesday and I completely agree with you that the whole turmoil leading up to the D&C felt more like goodbye than the actual medical procedure. I felt relieved almost knowing that there was finally something I could do instead of wait and wish and pray.

    I love your memorial to your little October baby. I think it's beautiful.

    1. Wow, that is unbelievably similar. I am so sorry for your loss and for the incredible pain that we have both felt in recent days. I do feel relief and I am ready to start hoping for the future. October will be a hard month for both of us but stay in touch and if you ever need to talk, email me at wishingonasnowflake at *hug*

  7. Again, I am so sorry for your loss. When I had my D&C, I felt an immense relief for the finality of it. I am so glad that you and Kevin have been able to be each other's rock through this hard time. You both are, and will be, wonderful parents together.

    1. Thank you so much. You're right, there was some relief to finally get off the awful rollercoaster ride of uncertainty. Your kind words mean a lot.

  8. Wishing you peace and closure. I am so very sorry for your loss!

  9. I know it's not an easy road, but I'm glad (? no better word) that you felt some closure and I hope you find some peace. Your memorial to your Maggie was and is beautiful.

  10. I am so glad that the procedure went better than to be expected. I know that I felt immense relief once my miscarriage finally happened. It was so much harder for me to be on the roller coaster of not knowing than dealing with the finality of it all. I hope you have felt some relief as well. Praying for your future family that God has in store for you : )

    1. I agree wholeheartedly. There definitely is relief and I thank you so much for the prayers!

  11. Many prayers coming your way. No need to respond , just know that so many are lifting you up for comfort and healing.

    1. Thank you so much. Your prayers are so appreciated!! They are indeed helping.
